Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Defying US President Biden's Pleas The US Senate Delays Ukraine Aid Talks Until The Beginning Of Next Year


Bloomberg: Ukraine Aid Delayed With US Congress Giving Up on Deal This Year  

Ukraine heads into the new year with dwindling weapons stockpiles and no guarantee of more US aid. 

US lawmakers, who have been at an impasse over more than $60 billion in fresh assistance for Ukraine as its war with Russia approaches its third year, abandoned efforts to reach a deal before leaving Washington for a holiday break. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer acknowledged Tuesday that a last-minute push to reach agreement with Republicans required more time. GOP lawmakers are demanding more restrictive US border and immigration policies in exchange for the war aid. 

“This is just a difficult issue,” Schumer told reporters at the Capitol. “Our goal is to get something done as soon as we get back.”

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WNU Editor: Expect one more aid package to be announced by the White House but after that it is over .... US sending one last aid package to Ukraine before funding dries up: White House (Business Insider). More here .... US says it will run out of funds for Ukraine this month (Politico). 

I am not going to sugarcoat this. This delay is a disaster for Ukraine's war effort. They need ammo desperately. I am already seeing numerous videos of Russia military forces crossing fields and approaching Ukraine's front-lines without encountering any artillery fire from Ukrainian forces. Without this US military aid it looks like this Ukrainian commander's warning from a few days ago will become the reality for a good portion of the Ukraine Army this winter .... Senior Ukrainian Commander Says His Troops Are Facing Artillery Shortages And Are Being Forced To Scale Back Some Operations (December 18, 2023). More here .... Ukraine forced to cut back military operations due to ammo shortages as Western aid delayed (The Independent).  

Update: Talk about sending the wrong message to Ukraine .... No ‘magic pot’ of money for Ukraine – US State Dept (RT). 

US Senate Delays Ukraine Aid Talks Until The Beginning Of Next Year  

Defying Biden’s plea, Congress skips town without passing aid for Ukraine, Israel -- Washington Times

 US Senate leaders say deal on Ukraine aid not expected before year's end -- France 24  

US Senate delays vote on Ukraine aid package until 2024 -- RTE  

US Senate shelves Ukraine aid talks for 2023 -- RT


Anonymous said...

Biden had to pick which he wanted more

1) more arm and ammo for Ukraine
2) more Mexican's pouring across the southern border illegally.

Biden chose #2. He believes those are future Democrat voters

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good be pirates u fools