Sunday, December 17, 2023

Germany's BILD Says Russia Has A Ukraine War Plan Up To 2026

Ukrayinska Pravda: ISW analyses Russia's war plan up to 2026, published by Bild 

The German publication Bild, referring to intelligence data and sources, has reported that Russia plans to occupy Ukrainian territory beyond the borders of the four illegally annexed Ukrainian oblasts during 2024-2026. The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has noted that these targets coincide with the ongoing local offensive operations by the Russians.  

Details: Bild said Russia plans to occupy the entire territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and up to the Oskil River in Kharkiv Oblast by the end of 2024. 

ISW noted that these targets overlap with Russia's ongoing local offensive operations in Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv oblasts. 

 Bild noted that Russia also plans to occupy a large part of Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv oblasts, including the city of Kharkiv, if possible, in 2025 and 2026.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Russia's new war plan is to occupy more Ukrainian territory by 2026, report says (Business Insider)  

Update #2: Russia Has New and Extended War Plans in Ukraine: ISW (Newsweek)  

WNU Editor: I have doubts that the German publication BILD and the sources it uses has Russia's war plans up to 2026. But I do not have any doubts that this war still has a long way to go before it ends, and that Russia has prepared itself for a very long conflict.


Anonymous said...

It’s like: No Shit!

Anonymous said...

Putin is not mentally retarded, wanting more is a lie, what he annexed to NATO is actually attacking in disguise, he is defending it. Now do you really think Russia is more concerned about Kiev, Jerusalem or its population? Think you idiots, Russia is worried about the Population and Jerusalem that's all until the End, the Russians you already know that Ukraine is a shitty territory with no resources, I just wanted to get closer to Europe and I'm doing so thanks to Belarus and other socialisms forming in Europe, now you should look for the possible Revolution coming in Romania, Georgia and Serbia, this thing about Ukraine, a weak, bankrupt country with no resources is a joke, just a country of human trafficking since national emergence.

Anonymous said...

Another Russian propergandist spreading bs about a country whom is a sovereign nation and is fighting for its freedom. When it comes to human trafiking that would be Russia as its stolen many Ukrainian children and indoctrination of Russian ways forced open them.