Sunday, December 17, 2023

US Military To Gain Access To 15 Finnish Military Bases On The Russian Border

The Kremlin said it ‘regrets’ the defence deal between Finland and the US - Vesa Moilanen/Shutterstock © Provided by The Telegraph  

The Telegraph: Defence deal with Finland will give US access to 15 military bases on Russian border 

The US will gain access to 15 military bases along the border with Russia under a defence deal to be signed with Finland next week. 

Russia would regard the presence of Nato infrastructure near its borders as a threat, said Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman. 

“This will certainly lead to tension. We can only regret this,” Mr Peskov said. The treaty must be approved by Finland’s parliament.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Putin has responded .... Putin warns of problems with neighboring Finland after West ‘dragged it into NATO’ (AOL/CNN). 

 US Military To Gain Access To 15 Finnish Military Bases On The Russian Border  

Finland, NATO's newest member, will sign a defense pact with the United States -- AP 

Finland to sign defence pact with US -- Reuters 

Finland to sign defense pact with the US, signaling agreement for troop deployment -- AFP


Ron said...

These Western leaders, with their PHD's and immoral as ever, keep pushing and pushing and pushing. This strategy with Ukraine led to a horrible war the west is about to lose, but oh wait. They are not done yet. Push, Push, Push, until conflict/war and then blame Russia; RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! and Trump.

Anonymous said...


What would be the reaction.

Chinese and Russians gain access to 15 Mexican bases along the border.

Anonymous said...

should apply to join NATO

B.Poster said...

You've pretty much nailed it here in my considered opinion.

B.Poster said...

If you dare oppose the policies as set forth by our leadership class, ask questions, or express skepticism, they will accuse you of being Russian.