Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Israel Claims It Has Killed Half Of Hamas's Battalion Commanders

The IDF did not say when or where the picture was taken but said those in it were from the Northern Gaza Brigade, which is the second largest brigade in Hamas  

Daily Mail: Plotting terror in their tunnels… before five of them were killed in an air strike: IDF reveals five Hamas commanders killed since posing for a photo 

* Several top Hamas commanders took a chummy photo, surrounded by food 

* The IDF revealed five of the 11 pictures have been killed in airstrikes 

* The IDF has ravaged the Gaza Strip after Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 

Israel has revealed that five Hamas commanders who took a chummy picture together have all died in airstrikes, following Israel's blitzing retaliation against the terror group. 

The IDF released a photo of 11 top-level Hamas commanders sitting and smiling in a long and narrow room, with plates of fruit and drink on the tables in front of them. 

An IDF spokesperson revealed that of the 11 men, five are confirmed to have died in airstrikes launched as part of its ground offensive into Gaza, which has seen massive artillery and aerial bombardment in the enclave in revenge for Hamas' October 7 incursion. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: There must be an interesting story on how Israel was able to get the above photo. 

 Israel Claims It Has Killed Half Of Hamas's Battalion Commanders 

 Israel releases image of eliminated Hamas figures enjoying meal, other leaders killed, IDF says -- FOX News  

Israel Claims It Has Killed 5 Hamas Commanders in Rare Photo -- DNYUZ/New York Times 

Israel releases image of killed Hamas militants enjoying meal in Gaza tunnel -- Times of Israel


RussInSoCal said...

/get the whole set.



RussInSoCal said...

Today 7:50:42 PM EST[#5]
Some signs that Egypt is reinforcing the border with Gaza as more Palestinians move south to avoid the fighting.

Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) December 7, 2023

MR Nobody said...

fusion is correct

In other news for those of you who wan war with china or think it will be some kind of cake walk...

The US navy will be the forefront with any conflict with the CHICOMs

Aand here you go.

Notable institutional leadership failures in multiple major program areas and multiple high profile operational failures are now far too common. Examples include well documented cases such as the LCS and Zumwalt ship classes, the USS Ford class’s cost overruns, lateness, and multiple of its ship systems not being fully operational (EMALS, ammo elevators, arresting gear, etc.) even years after being in commission. An egregious example of a mammoth leadership failure was the loss of the USS Bonhomme Richard, a multi-billion-dollar capital ship that due to negligence was allowed to burn at the side of a pier, a $3B loss with no replacement. A total of 45 Navy leaders were disciplined due to this one incident. The grounding of the USS Connecticut with this vital attack submarine being out of commission for years for repairs. The USS Gettysburg has been out of commission for over 8 years undergoing modernization. Four of the seven cruisers selected for modernization will instead be de-commissioned after the Navy has spent billions on upgrades. The collisions of the USS McCain and USS Fitzgerald with commercial shipping were failures of leadership that led to the deaths of 17 sailors.

Like the 1st year with the russian will be a nightmare for the US until they get the bus worked out thier system and get serious about thier jobs.

Anonymous said...

everyone chill the F out.....
the ukraine bill did not pass today (SHOCKED) not.
as i stated 2 weeks ago, the bill will not pass in its current form... too many poison pills in it (bidens border demands).

bills like this nearly NEVER pass first try.
now it will go to the house and senate to be reworked...
deals will be made, the bill will be made better...

threats, lies, and more threats will not help, the admin has over 5 billion in cash, and another 20 billion or so in the DOD budget he can move around (he has already started doing that with unfunded aid to gaza)... only the admin coming to the table will help get this over the line faster... this like it or not has to be a give and take...

MOST people int he USA done even know the war is still going on.. but they see other issues that HAVE to be fixed.. and by biden putting border money in this bill he started the negation on this.

i hope that the aid for ukraine in this bill is larger (republicans gave more than ask in the first 2 bills) after its reworked with more money for weapons and less for BS that was in it (gaza, west bank, money to NYC, US used money, etc). this needs to be a weapons bill not a jobs bill in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I am not a russian with an internet handle of Mr. Nobody.

I will take the Ford over the Kutsenov any day. Tom Hanks once made a movie about the Kutsenov. Or was it Harrison Ford?

I. C. All said...

not reported here: Ordinary Gazans now bithing about how so much aid going to tunnels, terror people and not to them. 50% Israeli-Arabs support Israel in this operation.
Terror troops beginning to surrender in droves.