Monday, December 4, 2023

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg Issues A Warning To NATO To Be Prepared For 'Bad News' From Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg  

Politico: NATO should be ready for ‘bad news’ from Ukraine, Stoltenberg warns 

‘We have to support Ukraine in both good and bad times,’ NATO chief says in ARD interview. 

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned that the Western military alliance should be ready for bad news from the Ukrainian front as Kyiv continues to defend against Russia's all-out invasion. 

"Wars develop in phases," Stoltenberg said in an interview Saturday with German broadcaster ARD. "We have to support Ukraine in both good and bad times," he said. 

"We should also be prepared for bad news,” Stoltenberg added, without being more specific.  

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WNU Editor: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has finally caught up to what WNU has been saying since the collapse of Ukraine's counteroffensive this summer. Ukraine's front-lines are breaking (especially in the east), and there is now a very real chance of a Ukraine army collapse in the Donbas. 

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg Issues A Warning To Be Prepared For 'Bad News' From Ukraine  

NATO chief on Ukraine war: ‘Be prepared for bad news -- The Hill  

Nato must be ‘prepared for bad news’ in Ukraine, says Stoltenberg -- The Independent  

NATO should be prepared for 'bad news' from Ukraine: Stoltenberg -- Anadolu Agency  

Nato Chief Issues 1 Bleak Warning To Ukraine's Allies About Future Of War Against Russia -- Huffington Post


Anonymous said...

There is nothing in the news article that indicates Jens Stoltenberg believes Ukraine's frontlines are breaking or that its army is about to collapse. There is no sense of panic or desperation. The worst I pick up is sober realism for the entire upcoming year. Once again, WNU Editor is projecting his hopes and fantasies onto others.

After almost two months of fighting around Avdiivka, Russia has little to show for it except tremendous casualties. The past week of fighting seems to be the same fighting - Russia makes limited attacks that are either easily contained and ends with Russian fleeing back to their lines after high casualties, or temporarily breach Ukrainian lines only to be exhausted and the ensuing Ukrainian counterattack wipes the remaining Russians out. Elsewhere in Donetsk, the Russians have made even less progress albeit without the huge number of casualties around Avdiivka. I don't think Russia's fall offensive has culminated yet, but it's can't be that far off. It's obvious the Russians have lost enormous manpower and equipment.

According to Ukraine, the Russian dead since October 1 to December 4 is over 54,000. Even if you think Ukraine overestimates Russian dead by 50% (which would be huge), the real figure would be around 36,000. If we assume wounded is triple that, then 108,000 wounded for a total of 144,000 casualties in two months alone. This rate of loss cannot be sustained for much longer.

Although WNU Editor does not report it, Russian social media is showing a lot of signs of increasing discontent because of these losses. Minor mutinies in Kherson. Mothers and wives becoming smarter and bolder in their protests over lost loved ones. More complaints from milbloggers.

It's entirely possible that Russia could make minor gains. It might even be able to take Avdiivka at some point. But just like WNU Editor's predictions last November that Bakhmut would fall "in weeks" and it actually took six months, and his prediction in October that Avdiivka would fall "in weeks" and still hasn't, his new prediction of Ukrainian collapse too is likely wrong. But he's predicted the complete destruction of the Ukrainian army several times now, so adding yet another one is par for the course.


Anonymous said...

With the Anonymous cheerleader , cheering him on with pom pom and bj under the bleachers

Anonymous said...

You are a wrong. The WNU editor never said that avdeevka would fall " in weeks". That is a is a lie. He said it would be in 2-3 months. How do I know? Because I predicted in the same thread that in 30 to 60 days it would fall. That was about 3 weeks ago,. So we still have 45 days to go on my prediction and about to January or March for the editors.

If there is no desperation in this situation, why do the Ukrainians keep saying it. They are desperate for men, Desperate for ammo, desperate for funding?

You constant bombastic bullshit is plain to see. You were also predicting the Ukie summer offensive would be a victory and then when it started to fail, then you said they would reach Tokmak, which they never did. These are only two examples of your inaccurate predictions. There have been many more.

You have been consistently wrong In these last 12 months.

Anonymous said...

The fortress Bakhmut that will never fall. That narrative was a hoot.. It becaume a meat grinder . Another excellent example of a Ukrainian victory. Poorly led, and poorly trained troops placed into a defence with inadequate support and, of course, then victory is assured. Another zelinski debacle.

Anonymous said...

It became a meat grinder for Russia, such heavy losses for a shell that they weren't able to capitalise on

Anonymous said...

Not as much as the Ukrainians.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes wonder about the level of the IQ in the ones running the show for the rest of us poor souls

Anonymous said...

Me too dunces 🤪🤪🤪🤤🤡😵‍💫🥴🫠

Anonymous said...

Skods, this is for you

Face it. It is not that they lack intelligence. It is that they are self serving psychos.

That is why we are having so many problems. Why because it all part of the.......

Yes....... SAY it SKODS



THE Blob skods. It lives breaths and rules your life!!!! That is why the ukies are losing!! The BLOB!! The blob hates Trump!!!

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

"It's entirely possible that Russia could make minor gains. It might even be able to take Avdiivka at some point. But just like WNU Editor's predictions last November that Bakhmut would fall "in weeks" and it actually took six months, and his prediction in October that Avdiivka would fall "in weeks" and still hasn't, his new prediction of Ukrainian collapse too is likely wrong. But he's predicted the complete destruction of the Ukrainian army several times now, so adding yet another one is par for the course."

I had an instructor who taught the APICS curriculum. He said all forecasts are wrong, but some are useful. All forecast fail. What matters is how far out are they good and by what percentage do they deviate from actual events. There re are 4or more methods for measuring the closeness of forecasts.

General Ike said that Germany would be defeated or the troops would be home by Christmas. That is a forecast. Obviously, Ike was wrong. He had knowledge of the entire German TOE plus most of the location data. The location data was not perfect as the Germans moves some units from the East Front to the Western front. Before the unseen troop rotation and the Battle of the Bulge, Ike;' forecast was wrong by 5 months or more.

So how doe we judge WNU with his contacts Russian and Ukrainian or his armchair generalship learned from his father? He said weeks and it was 6 or 7 months for Bakhmut. As Chris also pointed out the same goes for Avdriivka. He said weeks. It has been two months.

WNU is someone whose name we do not know. I had an easier time looking up Simon Black, who is the international man of mystery featured in Zerohedge. He went to court in Hong Kong or Singapore. He must be doing the same things as the Guns, Goats, and Gold blog, Russian influence operations. I read a blog, twitter account, etc I check out the authors.

WNU might be a superpatriot like Girkin at best. At worst he is an FSB influence operation. One bad forecast after another.

I have seen 4 pictures over the last 4 years, Unable geolocate any of them although I should have been able to geolocate one of them. If I had geolocated them, it would still mean nothing.

Anonymous said...

the question is.

Why do you got such great lengths to find out who this individual is?

Anonymous said...

because 858s name is Jimmy Yoo.

Anonymous said...

you are a knuckle head. you just saw a picture of the editor two weeks ago and it was in a restaurant that he had named. Did you check it out? if so what did you find?

Anonymous said...

WNU is a news aggregator. That is his claim to fame with this bunch here.

I look at any input. News, water, electrical, radon (yes radon), financial, product quality of many things, OTC drugs, food ...

There is a cynical American adage, which goes like this:

"I love you. I won't cum in your mouth and the check is the mail."

For many Russian wives, the check is not in the mail although their husbands are gone. They could be deserters or POWs, but it is not what we are talking about here is it?

Putin is pinching pennies. He might eventually pay, but stalling saves money for his various war projects.

And those wives, Putin loves them like he loved their husbands.

What do these women have to lose? If they lost their husbands they lost 1/2 their income if not more. Will Putin show mercy on them by having them work in a factory for 8, 10 or 12 hour shifts? It is a war economy.

Working in a war factory or not, alcoholism is in the cards for a fair percentage of them, since Putin broke up their families with his Hitler dreams.

So what do they have to fear from Putin's goon squads? A Siberian labor camp might be quicker and less painful than cirrhosis of the liver.

Putin is changing the demographic make up of Russia and not in a good way. What a buffoon.

Anonymous said...

Restaurant name? Link to WNU article?

Anonymous said...


You are in rare form, erratic as ever. Since you are all over the map.....

Here is one for you. from the wash post

The US also trained and equipped nine Ukrainian brigades in NATO methods of warfare. Simulations based on Ukrainian and Western intelligence projected Ukrainian brigades reaching the Sea of Azov in 60-90 days with up to 30-40% casualties.

“The plan that they executed was entirely feasible with the force that they had, on the timeline that we planned out,” a senior US military official told the Post. “They got everything they were promised, on time,” a senior US official said.

What a joke skods!!]]

Do you realize that force is , I mean was, bigger than most NATO Armies? And they got thier butts kicked. Looked at a map of Robotyne lately?

I thought you said in Sept the Ukies would be Verbone? Ain't made it there yet.

And looks like the 53rd said the hell with it and are moving out of Avdeevka.

It was all lies skods, you were lied to and the trend continues until its determined end.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Did I state I approved of the job Western intelligence was doing? If so please find the quote. It is your job after all. You are on the clock.

I have often been dismissive of Brennan and others like him. Such quotes you can find and link to.

I was speaking of WNU's track record not Western intel track record.

Get off you fat Russian ass and find those quotes before you become mobik bait. And whatever you do, do not visit Nepal and let them know you are Russian.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again skods!!!

It was not a western intelligencefailure skods. They knew the size , location and depth of those obstacle belts and the size and location of the forces defending those defenses.

Try again skods...What went wrong?

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine broker though. There was no air support.

Anonymous said...

Skods. out Frigging Standing!!!!

you're a god darn genius GUMP!!!

You finally realized what Nobody and Prague were saying all along. in the last 12 months, over and over again.... Not enough support....

Well God Bless America!!! I guess there is hope for you after all!!

and now take the next step skods....we have faith in you, you can do it.....

Hint!!!!!!! force structure is based off of intel assessments, so who also provided the battle field intelligence?

the next step...

and therefore whose fault was it that the ukies did not have the support they needed???

you can do this skods. the answer iS........