Thursday, December 7, 2023

Poland Warns Russia Could Attack NATO Within 3 Years

Daily Mail: NATO has three years to prepare for Russian attack: Stark warning from Poland as multiple reports say another Putin offensive is likely despite Ukraine stalemate 

* Recent German report said Russian attack on NATO was likely in six to ten years 

* However, a Polish official has now said that is an optimistic time frame 

NATO has just three years to prepare for a Russian attack, the chief of Polish national security has warned, amid growing concerns over the war in Ukraine. 

With Vladimir Putin's 21-month-long invasion dragging into another winter, Kyiv has suffered a series of setbacks that suggest the war is becoming 'frozen'. 

The United States and the EU are struggling to secure further packages of military aid to Ukraine, which in-turn has struggled to make major advances in its 2023 counteroffensive that many hoped would deal more blows to Moscow's armies. 

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Poland Warns Russia Could Attack NATO Within 3 Years  

Poland warns Nato has three years to prepare for attack by Russia -- The Independent  

Poland issues shocking warning of upcoming Russian attack on NATO countries -- Express  

Polish official: Russia could attack NATO within 3 years -- Kyiv Independent  

These NATO countries have just three years to prepare for a Russian attack, Poland warns -- NYPost


Anonymous said...

Poland: 3 years
Germany: 6 to 10 years

^^ Seems to be a trend. Why?

Putin 2015 speech in Germany.
Putin Soviet Union break up was a great tragedy.

Tragedy? Did he take a poll? Do other people form the territories of the old USSR get a vote?

Anonymous said...

I own a bridge in Brooklyn.

Would you like to buy it?

Anonymous said...

Only if I can get a deal on it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like NATO is beginning the psych op to condition it’s puppet countries for war. It’s going to be a brutal one, and will likely involve some level of nuclear use at some point. Christ are we ever dumb fucked.

Anonymous said...

Kirby, blinken and Austin are liars.
Any one believing them is falling into another propaganda trap, Just like covid, weapons of mass destruction etc etc... Those fools Never do stop drinking the kool aid and then they wonder why things are screwed up or they are getting screwed over by thier leadership.

Russia is not going to attack Europe unless they are provoked. Hell, they are having a hard time with ukies, and now, they are going to take on all of Europe?

The Western politicians are playing mind games for money. Their game goes like this........On one side they say an item is X. Then they turn around and say it is Y . It is all bullshit.

The Polish were probably payed to release this report by MI 6 or USAID. It comes from liars, whose only intent is to make money from you.

Anonymous said...

So happy the Russian at 7:16 is scared shitless.

Anonymous said...

"Kirby, blinken and Austin are liars."


Does not mean the Putin, Medvedev & Lavrov are not bigger liars.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe anything that comes out of any western news media anymore

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like it’s Poland crying like a scared little bitch right now.

Anonymous said...

Even less so from russia

Anonymous said...

Traditionally Americans expected, EXPECTED their government to tell the truth. And if he government failed, it was the DUTY of the press to find out that they lied and report it. Checks and balances.

But time and time again, the US Gov has lied to us. The press, many times, supported these lies.

No wonder why the majority of the population now considers the Blob illegitimate. The Blob , yes , BLOB, did this to themselves.