Friday, December 8, 2023

President Biden Signals The U.S. Has Plans To Send U.S. Troops To Fight Russia When Putin Acts Against NATO


US News and World Report: Biden: Help Ukraine Now or Send Americans to Fight Russia With NATO Later 

The president warned congressional Republicans wavering on Ukraine: Provide aid now or send U.S. troops to fight Russia when Putin acts against NATO. 

President Joe Biden delivered his sternest warning yet to congressional Republicans balking at approving more aid to Ukraine: Pay up now or you'll pay more later, forced to send U.S. troops to fight Russian soldiers when an emboldened Russian President Vladimir Putin moves in on a NATO member country. 

"Congress needs to pass supplemental funding for Ukraine before they break for the holiday. It's as simple as that," Biden said at the White House as the GOP-led House mulled Biden's request for $106 billion in emergency spending, including foreign aid. "Frankly, I think It's stunning we have gotten to this point in the first place. Republicans in Congress are willing to give Putin the greatest gift he could hope for and abandon our global leadership," Biden said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Kremlin has responded .... Kremlin accuses Biden of 'demonising' Russia to win more Ukraine money from Congress (Reuters). Russian media has a different take .... What’s really behind Biden’s threat to send Americans to fight Russia? (RT).


Anonymous said...

They are really ramping up the narrative tom get more money for the ukies.

The neocon blob must be panicking at thins point.

a. The Poles deliver a "russia to attack" study

b. germans do the same as poles

c. Biden and administration officials do the same.

d. The think tanks and MSM are also ramping up.

I can tell you one thing. This is a coordinated effort. Like Iraq or the Steele dossier, this has the same type of purpose to it. Make a slight possibility to seem like a forgone reality and place doubt and concern into peoples heads. Why? To support an ideological effort and to fund that effort.
It screams "we need to stop Russia!! "

But How??

......Fund Ukraine.

Its crap.

Anonymous said...

Congress holding up funds for Ukraine's fight against Russia by pushing bills that have nothing to do with that war. White House fights back by arguing what might happen if Ukraine is not helped. It's a simple trick to try to get the money they asked for to assist Ukraine. No need to get panties all knotted up.

Anonymous said...

No you are right , but how many others are out there who are suckers for this info operation tactic? A lot.

And then TPTB get them to send money and write their congressman or call thier congressman to support all that bullshit that goes with "stand with Ukraine" or "Assad was killing his people" or Kaddaffi was "arming rape gangs".
Or Trump "was a putin stooge"

Or 6 January was "an Insurgency". or BLM had "peaceful protests."

It's all part of a slick propaganda campaign that Gobbles could only dream of.

Anonymous said...

The gays win again.

Anonymous said...

I thought Ukraine was winning, what happened?

Anonymous said...

Ukraine is winning!!

How dare you insinuate anything else!!

With our victorious government of democratically elected leaders in Afghanistan, we can never be defeated!!!.

The Afghani government has now promised 10,000 fighters to help the Ukrainian marines in Kherson.

Ukraine will be marching on to Crimea any day now!! Just like our Afghani heros against the Taliban.

Ron said...

I wonder how that would hold up in the USA. F16's launch from Poland and attack Russia, Russia cruise missiles Poland air base. Ding bat Biden calls for war against Russia and attacks. Could Biden get a declaration of war from Congress? I could see it as a tipping point against the WEF type and toward a more nation minded populist movement. The lunatic dirt proggressives are not very smart so they just might do it.

Anonymous said...

Some 3 day operation hey lol, ukraine defending does not equate to Russia winning

Anonymous said...

Russian cruise missiles have little chance of getting past air dences, and ofcourse it's war, that's what nato is !

Anonymous said...

The Russians are winning, the west is not happy.

Anonymous said...

How much Joe?! Biden is mocked after botching announcement for 'over a billion, three hundred million, trillion, three hundred million dollars' investment in major rail projects across the country - as he retells debunked Amtrak anecdote AGAIN

Mumbling Moron: "over a billion, three hundred million, trillion, three hundred million dollars"

What is next for Biden? Full Calvin?

Million billion Gazillion?

Anonymous said...

if tired of Biden, watch next week when Trump takes witness stand! then we will here horeshit lies and bragging and denials

Anonymous said...

Mother Fucker Joe Biden sent

183 Bradleys to Ukraine.

Museums have 90 Bradleys.

Mother Fucker sent twice as many Bradleys to Ukraine as sent to Museums.

But Joe is serious. He will ya that he is serious.

Anonymous said...

Mother Fucker Joe Biden sent 20 ATACMs to Ukraine.

Twenty is as high as Joe can count when he takes off his socks and shoes. Ukraine wishes he had at least 65 fingers on every hand and 6 toes on every foot. No luck/

Anonymous said...

Are we unhappy?

You were pulling for Joe and his buddies the whole time the war was going on. Now , well , I see you are not too happy with him?

Did we not try to tell you that this effort had about as much chance of success as a dead squirrel coming back to life?

Don't want to listen to the people that know, do you?

No , you would rather listen to the MSM and their pied piper lotus fantasy arguments.

Not to worry, the MSM will develop another stupid narrative and then you can believe them all over again.

And call us homos , traitors, Trolls or vatniks, when we post,

once again,

that they are wrong and lying to you