Friday, December 8, 2023

Russian Foreign Ministry Issues A Warning That If Ukraine's Newly-Donated F-16s Are Based In NATO Territory, These Bases Will Be Attacked

Maria Zakharova - spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry - warned the West that the advanced F-16 fighters delivered to Ukraine will be a fair target for Russia if they are based in NATO countries  

Daily Mail: Russia threatens military strikes on Western countries if Ukraine's newly-donated F-16s are based in NATO territory 

* Russian foreign ministry said F-16s in NATO countries will be legitimate targets 

Russia has threatened to target Western countries with missile strikes if Ukraine's newly-donated F-16 fighters are based in NATO territory. 

Such an act by Vladimir Putin would also certainly trigger a World War Three scenario between the West and Russia. 

It comes as the Kremlin warned today that a nuclear world war is closer than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Russian foreign ministry is voicing its concerns that Bulgaria and other NATO nations may shift from using their bases for training F-16 pilots to being used as a base to launch strikes against the Russian military .... Bulgaria to allow Ukraine to use its skies for F-16 training (EurActiv). 

As to what is my take,

My fear is that the decision has already been made to permit Ukraine to use NATO bases to conduct military operations against Russia. I say this because President Biden himself warned to Russia two days ago that if Russia should attack a NATO base, it would mean war .... President Biden Signals The U.S. Has Plans To Send U.S. Troops To Fight Russia When Putin Acts Against NATO, and my gut is telling me that this announcement was not a coincidence.


Anonymous said...

No, the F-16s should be off limits there. Why? Because Belarus is off limits and Russia attacked from there.

The fascists need to be hung, drawn and quartered for this SMO.

Anonymous said...

Putin is a little tin horned dictator and a coward. He uses a body double. His body double that went to Sevastopol has a weak chin and a turkey wattle behind it.

Putin's medical and intel geniuses forgot to give the double a neck lift.

Anonymous said...

When did Russian forces attack from Belarus? If they did, the Ukraine is perfectly justified in attacking them.

In the same scenario, If Ukrainian jets are bombing Russian targets from a NATO state, the Russians are perfectly justified in attacking these bases.

Yes and hang those fascists from the AZOV Bn and their associates while you are at it. Get a hold of Zelinski and his buddy Budanov because those guys are war criminals also.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure some Russian aircraft were drone bombed in Belarus. Was all over the media earlier this year.

Anonymous said...

Your weak buddy. You sound like a 7year old having a temper tantrum. What are your pronouns by the way?

Anonymous said...

727. you are right. there were some aircraft that were hit.

Ron said...

The USA war pigs to Putin, "ahhh young padawan, we have taught you well"

explanation: the USA's war pigs primed that pump long ago. Putin would only doing what we have done since 911.

Anonymous said...

🤣 more bluff and bluster

Anonymous said...

And hang putin

Anonymous said...

They haven't able to take out ukranian airbases in Ukraine, this a laughable threat

Anonymous said...

You have not heard have you. Most Ukie airbases are un-useable.

For some time now, Ukies have been using aux bases and road ways to launch aircraft.

Anonymous said...

Do not think the Belarus option has been ruled out. In reality it is an ongoing operation.

The recon has been done

Several Ukrainian Special Ops groups had been engaged in deep recon previous to a possible Hail Mary-style plan: launching an offensive against the territory of Belarus, thus expanding the U.S. proxy war on Russia “multilaterally”.

It’s not clear if this was a Kiev idea; a plan dictated by the NATO masters; or a mix of the two. Minsk, of course, was not exactly observing from a distance.

Anonymous said...

Not really strategic thinking on Russia's part in making this announcement. Now NATO will ensure the F-167's ARE based in...Poland, for example, so if Russia carries through and attacks the Polish air bases hosting the Ukraine f-16's, NATO will finally get the world war they have been trying for all along.

Anonymous said...

6:34 PM idiot Ukie troll gives us a link to a plastic surgeons website.

Anonymous said...

The Polish people are much more switched onto the war in Ukraine than the drones & air heads in Britain. If combat operations are mounted from bases in Poland, the Rooskies will be justified in destroying them. Then the Poles may well take it out on their government for getting them involved in a shooting war. Could be time for regime change in Poland.

Anonymous said...

Is that why they keep attacking airbases and the decoys located there?. They don't use harriers parked in forests and mig 29s don't use roads

Anonymous said...

Russia can barely hold the Ukrainians. Add to it the Poles and the Russians are kaput.

Gulag for all vatniki

Anonymous said...


Thank you 1:49

You just proved one of my points....The Narrative of Lies. and bullshit that if we do not fund the ukies, that the Russians are going to attack all of Europe is a big fat lie.

The russians are not going to do any such thing, because they know they are not strong enough to do it.

It is a stupid assertion to think otherwise, used by either ideological idiots or people who are just plain stupid.

Anonymous said...

The link to the plastic surgeon was to point out to slavishly stupid vatniki that putin should have had plastic surgery for his double to remove away the dead give away wattle.

Anonymous said...

You are a moron.

Anonymous said...

1:49 and 2:31 is some useless ukronig typing his slavic mutt language into google translate. Pay no heed.