Monday, December 18, 2023

Profit Outlook For The US Defense Industry Looks Bright In 2024

Bushmaster Chain Guns manufactured by Northrop Grumman are displayed during the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Global Force Symposium & Exposition in Huntsville, Alabama, U.S. March 28, 2023. REUTERS/Cheney Orr/File Photo  

Reuters: Wars raise profit outlook for US defense industry in 2024 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When the Pentagon pulled the world's biggest defense contractors into a meeting to tell them to ramp up production shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, one CEO hesitated, saying they did not want to be stuck with a warehouse full of rockets when the fighting stopped, according to three people familiar with the discussion. 

Nearly two years later, big defense firms are singing a different tune, with several expecting strong demand in 2024 as the U.S. and its allies load up on expensive weaponry and munitions with an eye on what they perceive as more aggressive actions from Russia and China.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Arms production is definitely big business .... Global Defense Industry Outlook worth $2,132.0 billion by 2024 - Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets.


Anonymous said...

2 billiards! 🎱🎱

Anonymous said...

No doubt the US will switch to the “long-form” words for numerals in the billions+ range.

Oh look, honey! They found some more numbers up there between the billions, the trillions, and the quadrillions — and See! Congress plans to follow suit and save some money by spending Milliards instead of Billions and Trillions.

Anonymous said...

What Ukraine ordered: 1 million shells.

What Ukraine might get: 1500 gold-plated 5G cyber shells, each one lovingly coddled and kissed by John Bolton like a newborn baby and a net-positive CO₂ footprint each time it's fired.