Monday, December 18, 2023

Trump's Former Aides And Diplomats Say That If He Is Elected In 2024 He Would Install Loyalists To Reshape U.S. Foreign Policy On China, NATO And Ukraine

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Trump campaigns in Reno

Reuters: Trump would install loyalists to reshape U.S. foreign policy. Diplomats gird for "doomsday" 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Donald Trump in a second term would likely install loyalists in key positions in the Pentagon, State Department and CIA whose primary allegiance would be to him, allowing him more freedom than in his first presidency to enact isolationist policies and whims, nearly 20 current and former aides and diplomats said. 

The result would enable Trump to make sweeping changes to the U.S. stance on issues ranging from the Ukraine war to trade with China, as well as to the federal institutions that implement - and sometimes constrain - foreign policy, the aides and diplomats said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is a silly Reuters report. Of course a US President will install loyalists in his administration to implement his policies. Should he appoint his opponents? 

And I cannot let this one pass. In the above Reuters post it says the following ....  

.... During his 2017-2021 term, Trump struggled to impose his sometimes impulsive and erratic vision on the U.S. national security establishment. 

If according to Reuters President Trump's foreign policy was impulsive and erratic, I would love to know what they would call the current administration's foreign policy goals and achievements. This White House's foreign policy looks like an ongoing train wreck from where I stand.


Anonymous said...

well, no shit. And what president has not done that?

and how is that bad? if he is elected then are not the people not just voting for the man but also his policies?

or is this whole woke thing with Joe Biden just an optical illusion?

Anonymous said...

You mean as opposed to appointing people not loyal to him? Has happened in 2017&2018&2019&2020?

Anonymous said...

Lincoln appointed several opponents and it worked out for his administration.

Anonymous said...

That because those opponents were Americans with interests in a functioning United States. Trumps opponents are globalists who want the States burned to the ground. Not at all comparable there homeboy

Anonymous said...

It is not ", they are not stupid

They are again CONSPIRING against the will of the people, scaring everyone with lies and absurdities

The legacy media must immediately cease their deep-state operations or they truly will become the enemy of the people.