Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Ukraine President Zelenskyy To Address U.S. Senators Today Before Congressional Vote On Aid To Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy delivers a video address to senators and members of the House of Representatives gathered at the U.S. Capitol in Washington in March 2022.  

DNYUZ/New York Times: Zelensky Will Address U.S. Senators Before Vote on Ukraine Aid 

A day after the White House warned that the United States would soon run out of money to send weapons to Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky will make a direct appeal to senators on Tuesday aimed at reminding lawmakers what is at stake if they fail to quickly approve emergency military aid for his nation. 

Republican support for funding Ukraine’s war effort is waning, and an emergency funding package is stalled in Congress. The Democratic-led Senate will vote on Wednesday about whether to approve more than $61 billion in Ukraine-focused assistance as part of a $106 billion national security package.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Zelensky will get some money. But not the tens of billions of dollars that he wants (and needs). 

Ukraine President Zelenskyy To Address U.S. Senators Today Before Congressional Vote On Aid To Ukraine

Zelenskiy to appeal to US senators for more aid to help Ukraine fight Russia -- The Guardian/AP  

Zelenskiy, top US officials to make case for Ukraine funding -- Reuters  

Ukraine's Zelenskiy Set To Plead With U.S. Senators For More Military Aid -- RFE 

Zelensky will brief senators Tuesday ahead of key vote on military aid -- The Hill 

Zelensky to address senators Tuesday as Congress considers Ukraine funding -- UPI  

Zelenskyy to address U.S. senators on eve of Congressional vote on aid to Ukraine -- RBC Ukraine


Anonymous said...

The blood sucker wants more blood money, so he can spill more blood. Makes sense to me.

Matthew Putnam said...

Ukraine is more of a European/EU/Bulk of NATO problem than an American problem. Certainly closer to home for them, and a much more immediate concern. They need to drop their bloated socialistic "free healthcare, education etc" programs and ridiculous foreign aid and spending on net loss IGO's , NGO's etc and start taking ownership of their own security. THEY need to start paying commensurate to the needs of Ukraine to keep the Russians at arms length, or the bear will come for them next. The post WW2 USA is no longer in the position to let freeloaders/our allies "rebuild" to utopia on high. The byproduct has bred little more than a bunch of weak, pacifistic, delusional, spoiled, and idealistic shitheads anyway.

All those Ukraine flag pin wearing, social media posting virtue signalers are welcome to create an international fund for Ukraine and donate to it, including those mostly democrat and some republican public figures, celebrities and politicians that were larping grievance and wanted that spotlight and demanding contributions to that blackhole.

Same goes with that $5B+ a year that goes to Israel. They can and should handle their own business against the Hamas Muhamadian cave dwellers.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he can sell one of his yachts and cars, and his wife could pawn her diamonds and designer clothes. It's over Zelinski, Putin's coming for ya and we don't care.

Anonymous said...

Zelenskyy wants more money since he needs the skim. He recently dropped a lot of cash on some yachts and he needs to replenish his funds.