Thursday, December 7, 2023

US Senate Republicans Block $105 Billion Ukraine, Israel, And Taiwan Military Aid Bill Over Border Dispute


Reuters: US Senate Republican Block Ukraine, Israel Aid Bill Over Border Dispute 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -An emergency spending bill to provide billions of dollars in new security assistance for Ukraine and Israel was blocked in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday as Republicans pressed their demands for tougher measures to control immigration at the U.S. border with Mexico. 

The vote was 49 in favor to 51 against, leaving the $110.5 billion measure short of the 60 votes needed in the 100-member Senate to pave the way to start debate, threatening President Joe Biden's push to provide new aid before the end of 2023. 

The vote was along party lines, with every Senate Republican voting no along with Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent who generally votes with Democrats but had expressed concerns about funding Israel's "current inhumane military strategy" against Palestinians.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: It looks like this aid bill will only be addressed again after the holidays .... Senators anxiously eye calendar as national security bill languishes (Axios).  

Update: Ukraine is still hopeful .... Ukraine still hopeful for US aid package after Senate setback (BBC). 

Update #2: The Kremlin has responded .... Kremlin Says Hopes U.S. Congress Will Block Future Ukraine Aid (Moscow Times/AFP). More here .... Kremlin Says It Hopes US Congress Will Block Future Ukraine Aid (Kyiv Post). 

US Senate Republicans Block $105 Billion Ukraine, Israel, And Taiwan Military Aid Bill Over Border Dispute  

Senate Republicans block Ukraine, Israel funding bill -- The Hill  

GOP lawmakers block Biden security aid to Ukraine, Israel and Indo-Pacific, press for more border funding -- FOX News  

U.S. Senate Blocks Ukrainian Aid Package Despite Pleas From White House -- RFE  

Senate Republicans block funding bill that included aid for Ukraine and Israel -- The Guardian  

War supplemental stymied in Senate over border holdup -- Roll Call


Matthew Putnam said...

Abolish the federal income tax. Its a recent invention and barely constitutional. It forces the public, by the threat of government guns and imprisonment to just give abhorrent sums of hard earned money to other country's like Ukraine and Israel, at a time when inflation is the result of more government spending on the same kind of bullshit, and when Americans wages cant even keep up with inflation caused by an unaccountable and untethered government ruining what so many millions of Americans sacrificed so much to build.

Along with the entirely open border and countless other transgressions against the people, this current anti constitutional "sovereign" needs to be eviscerated and rebuilt with limitation to the explicit mandate given by our constitution and nothing more. Prosecution of ALL current leadership, with open public trials and concurrent elections with paper ballot and voter ID needs to be instituted, and a basic and necessary expansion of government can be proposed and voted on from there.

What the fuck does it take!? Everyone knows what needs to be done at this point.

Anonymous said...

That’s what revolutions are for.

Anonymous said...

Secret Squirrel said:

"the admin is holding up gear (f16s, tanks, atacms, etc) congress (both dem and rep) has demanded that the admin send all the gear.. the admin refuses."

Anonymous said...

Secret Squirrel said:

why has the admin stated that they are out of money, and now are refusing to send any more aid to ukraine?
this from DOD today...
the admin is ONLY asking for another 7 billion of draw down for the entire next year.

One can conclude from the squirrel's remarks that POTUS or POS Biden does not want Ukraine to win.

We spent 20 billion a year in Afghanistan but only next year for Ukraine which is a much more kinetic war, with greater expenditure of ammo and need for new and replacement equipment.

Putin must have pictures of Hunter Biden or the picture could be of hunter pleasuring Vlad?

Anonymous said...

Secret Squirrel said:

and that's what the admin did, they put the 13 billion in border demands in the bill months ago.. i told everyone then this would not fly

Bidens Border poison pill has money to bail US cities out from the cost of illegals , but no extra money for enforcing the border.

Generals are political. It is a well known fact. Since they are so God Damned political, they could have read the bill before the briefed the Ukraine portion. The generals would have read about the BIDEN BORDER BAILOUT to BLUE CITIS. They could have refused to brief the legislators.

but no, the WH engaged in bare knuckle politics and stuffed the Ukraine Aid bill with domestic pork and so the Republicans know they cannot vote for the bill, because the border will be left wide open and voters will blame them.

So of course the generals brief the bill, Ukraine Aid and Pork, were disrespected. They should be.

The generals should have refused and left Austin Blinken Sullivan or some other sleazy snake brief it and take the warranted abuse.

Austin BTW is known liar and incompetent. Every time he speaks to the Israelis he lies about his past accomplishments.

Let's be honest, Austin is the American Shogui.

Anonymous said...

The difference between David D and the nomenklatura for Quebec is night and day.

The nomenklatura might as well be the last Steward of Gondor and that is being charitable.