Friday, December 8, 2023

US Vetoes UN Security Council Resolution For An Immediate Humanitarian Cease-Fire In Gaza


Politico: US vetoes Israel ceasefire resolution at the UN  

The resolution was a top priority for U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who urged members to demand an immediate cease-fire in Gaza. 

The United States vetoed a resolution at the United Nations Security Council Friday demanding an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, as civilian casualties rise amid Israel’s military campaign against the Palestinian militant group Hamas. 

The resolution, introduced by the United Arab Emirates, was a priority for U.N. Security General Antonio Guterres, who invoked Article 99 of the U.N. Charter to bring the issue to the immediate attention of the Security Council. Guterres had urged member states to demand an immediate cease-fire in light of an impending “humanitarian catastrophe” in the Gaza Strip.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The vote was .... In Favor: 13, Against: 1 (US), Abstain: 1 (UK) 

US Vetoes UN Security Council Resolution For An Immediate Humanitarian Cease-Fire In Gaza  

US vetoes UN resolution backed by many nations demanding immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza -- AP 

US blocks UN Security Council demand for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza -- Reuters  

US vetoes UN Security Council resolution demanding humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza -- France 24  

US blocks UAE-backed vote at United Nations as fighting intensifies in Gaza -- The Telegraph  

US vetoes Security Council resolution for humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza -- The Hill 

US vetoes UN Security Council demand for ceasefire in Gaza -- Axios


Anonymous said...

So kinda like the Ukraine situation. More war and no peace. The US has a really bad look these days.

Anonymous said...

Enabling the apartheid state to mass murder thousands of women and kids.

Looking good America!

RussInSoCal said...

Disappointed in UK for cowing to their Muslim invaders and abstaining. And shame on Japan and France. Even the Democrat/Biden org now realizes they can't interfere with IDF operations just because their domestic political base is a pack of rabid anti-Semitic fascists.

Anonymous said...

Yes, bless the "democratic" administrations that realize the demands of their voters are subservient to a bunch of genocidal jews with their hands on the Epstein kompromat files.

Ron said...

It seems to me, much of the UN is Muslim influenced which is why I want it defunded and removed from the States. I think the Muslims see the world biblically on this issue. An eye for an eye is just. So once 1200 Palestinian/Hamas are killed it is even, over.

But that has not been the Western view since at least World War 2. Could you imagine the US stopping once we killed an equivalent amount of Japanese and material war equipment. World would be much different now and China, oh poor China. They would be fooked. But no, we firebombed their cities and nuked two of them because we knew that our liberal values could not coexist with Bushido/tyranny.

And Germany. instead of firebombing their cities and knocking that highly advanced industrial country into the stone age, and we sued for a peace that avoided D-day and left Hitler in power. Wow. what a different present we would of had. We wouldn't have this Jewish state problem that is for sure.

RussInSoCal said...

9:05 PM

"genocidal jews with their hands on the Epstein kompromat files"

LMFAO. That must be some tasty Kool-Aid there.

As I said, Democrat voting blocs in key, deep Blue precincts are a pack of rabid, anti-Semitic fascists. All with anti-Western, and definitely anti-American sentiment. Like yourself.

Anonymous said...

Deal with it idiot. Keep electing the Israeli aligned politicians and see how many more muslims their "progressive ideology" forces upon us (only progressive here though, they're allowed to have their own homogenous ethnostate, of course)

Anonymous said...

You all have no idea what kicked this war off do you? What did Hamas call this operation that started Oct 7th? Why was it launched? Why did the Israelis "seem" so unprepared?

There is more here than meets the eye. You need to dig deeper.

And here is a hint: Fanatics on both sides are driving this train. You and I are merely observers.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Three full of shit places:
Red Cdross
23 Arab nations in the UN blocked Israel from even having its turn on rotating Security Council seats.
UN always takes a stand against Israel
Red Cross did not visit hostages or, so far as I know, ask or demand to visit.
Weapons concealed close to or on-site of UNESCO in Gaza

CAIR caught applauding Hamas massacre.

Anonymous said...

Mossad agents caught celebrating the destruction of the Twin Towers.

Anonymous said...

good catch. our most endearing allies. That and the USS Liberty

Anonymous said...

Liberty was in war zone, spying and Israel compensated for attack. Was attack accident or on purpose? still not clear.

No evidence Mossad agents celebrated a Muslim attack. you have evidence, present it here or it is just a lie.

Anonymous said...

look up "dancing Israelis" for 9/11, It was even reported on TV.

As for the USS Liberty and for your lying inference that this was an accident or some how "justified", because it was in an area that had a "war" going on............

The USS Liberty was in international waters. The ship was in international waters and conducting authorized operations in accordance with international law.

The United States and Israel were not in a state of war.

The United States. FLAG was clearly seen by the Israeli Pilots. That fact was relayed back their chain of command.

It was not a mistake unless the pilots were blind and the chain of command was barrel of drunk monkeys. It was a clear act of illegal aggression in which over 30 US Service men died.

The ship was in international waters and conducting authorized operations in accordance with international law.

The United States and Israel were not in a state of war. The Israeli bastards actually dropped Napalm on that American Vessel.

It was a totally unprovoked act and illegal act.

Anonymous said...

the Liberty indictment was acknowledged by Israel in that they compensated the US for it.
Does that mistake then make Israel forever our enemy? After all, Germany was an enemy and now an ally. Israel was never an enemy.

Dancing Mossad? bs. I did search and found no indication of a real event but only of some dance group. Why would Mossad dance ? the 9/11 thing done by Arabs. How do we know who is and is not Mossad?

Anonymous said...

Crazy how supposed "Americans" will bend their spine into a pretzel defending the crimes committed against us.

Anonymous said...

You are either incompetent or lying.

It took out about 30 seconds to find this site after typing in what I told you to type.

look up "dancing Israelis" for 9/11,

The Liberty incident was an abomination, yes the Israelis apologized, but they Never admitted being wrong. The Johnson administration covered this situation up and crushed anyone who tried to speak out.

The Israelis suck.

Anonymous said...

ok. I went to your "source"
No evidence that they were smiling and dancing.They might have been smiling. No involvement and they were never charged with anything and were allowed to go home.
You imply that they delighted in the disaster when in fact it was clearly Muslim/Arab involvement.
You simply want to blame Israelis when in fact one quoted in your "souyrce" as noting it was "the Palestinians."

Anonymous said...

there are now some more details, via Snowden, on the Liberty attack, but oddly, there has never been full disclosure of a lot of facts and info on this incident.

New Snowden documents provide precious few new details about an incident that remains shrouded — and controversial.

Fifty Years Later, NSA Keeps Details of Israel's USS Liberty Attack Secret - The Intercept

Anonymous said...

I told you that was just a small part of the story.

You want to know more. find out yourself.

You did not even know that much.