Friday, December 15, 2023

U.S. Warns Yemen's Houthis To Stop Attacks Against Commercial Shipping

FILE PHOTO: Houthi military helicopter flies over the Galaxy Leader cargo ship in the Red Sea in this photo released November 20, 2023. Houthi Military Media/Handout via REUTERS 

Axios: U.S. warns Houthis to stop attacks in Red Sea 

The Biden administration has sent messages to the Houthi rebels in Yemen via several channels recently warning them to stop their attacks on ships in the Red Sea and against Israel, two U.S. officials said.  

Why it matters: The Houthi attacks have created tensions in the region and are posing a growing threat to ships navigating one of the region's main commercial shipping routes.  

Driving the news: Since the Israel-Hamas war started, the Houthis have launched more than 70 drones and ballistic missiles towards Israel, which is more than 1,000 miles away from Yemen, the IDF said.  

Read more .... 

WNU editor: The Houthis have been busy .... Houthis Claim Third Red Sea Ship Attack as Trade Risks Rise (Bloomberg). 

In response, the U.S. is focused on forming an alliance to deter Yemen's Houthis from launching attacks .... US Is Working With Allies to Stop Houthi Red Sea Attacks (Bloomberg). More here .... U.S. seeks 'broadest possible' Red Sea maritime coalition against Houthi attacks (Reuters). 

Iran has already responded .... Iran warns US will face ‘problems’ with Red Sea task force plans (Al Jazeera).


Anonymous said...

But buttt..we said please

Anonymous said...

More power to the Houthi heroes of resistance.

Anonymous said...

😂 another terrorist supporter. Just curious, do you pray on the floor five times a day while collecting welfare from a western government/taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

And while he's playing a lady boy slips him a WMD from behind .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


😂 yes, a 12yo weapon of mass destruction. Welcome to the progressive ruled west of the 21st century. May God help Russia in its fight against evil

RussInSoCal said...

You could solve this problem very quickly by making it widely known that random cargo ships were outfitted with Stinger MPADS and GAU-8's.

/about 4 of you will know what I'm talking about

Matthew Putnam said...

I agree Russ. All precedent considered, The fact that higher risk assets like a cargo ship that travels along these routes is not properly outfitted for the task is why you see these primitives taking on more overt and advanced methods like a VBSS style Helo drop, instead of a home made wood V bottom and a 40 year old motor with ropes and grappling hooks like in Somalia. Though in a time of actual war between majors powers like the USA - China, Russia, Iran, etc that practice along with the presence of cargo ships in theatre will definitely complicate things. Long existing Maritime laws exist for good reason, but in an era of selective enforcement and the dysfunction that comes from these newer trash heap International institutions and regulators that basically enable modern piracy...yea a message needs to be sent. If not temporarily, and in multiple solid cases.

Anonymous said...

Where do nutcases like you come from? Thousand Oaks?

Anonymous said...

I agree that the wreckers must be dealt with. But you almost can’t blame them.

Matthew Putnam said...

9:13, 9:15

Who/what are you, and who are you even talking to?

Yes pirates need to be dealt with, and yes.... they can absolutely be blamed for what they do because they do it. If someone pirates an unarmed ship neutered by long standing international charter/law, threatening lethal force to the captain and crew if they dont give up control of the ship...that person/group needs to be caught, tried and executed. This used to be the standard (mostly by way of hanging Gibbeting and Keel Hauling), and now you might notice when you get rid of standards/rule of law you enable criminal behavior. The same treatment should go with armed car jackers/robbers/home invaders.

With that whole "you almost cant blame them" (WTF!?), let me guess: You are some version of a white liberal living in or near a big liberal city and complain about the crime, severe social stratification, mass homelessness, high taxes, statistically significant occurrences of rape, unfettered drug use, piss, shit and throw up sidewalks, but also advocate for criminals like George Floyd every chance you get to virtue signal, and also concurrently blame American institutional Bigots Raycisms (TM) for "forcing the poor brown folk" into criminal behavior like retail theft, and deal in apologetics for democrat marxist enabled rioters raiding stores en mass for jewelry and nikes to feed themselves or some shit.

Fuck off, idiot.

Nutcases like you usually come from the gated communities right outside the "sanctuary" messes your troglodyte level thinking creates.

Go for a walk down your local Martin Luther King BLVD at 11pm.

Just another moist kleenex you are.



Anonymous said...

RUS and Matt

yes. German raider system. WW2. worked very well.

Matthew Putnam said...

So an incredibly expensive (its 2023) auxiliary fleet roving in perpetuity to defend maritime commerce? The United States Navy is really the only entity out there prosecuting this issue and is barely effective and not reliable. So build an another special task fleet? The only other nations who would even be able to contribute to that endeavor would be the Europeans, and they cannot even contribute the minimum to NATO, and just look at the shitshow in creating that multinational Eurofigther project? Lol.

....Or we can address the problem at its core and Arm the particularly obvious cargo ships with contractors and equipment, supplemented with a small QRF's in problem areas for a few years, and kill the pirates along their practice. Its only happening and also getting worse/more dynamic because nothing impactful is being done about it.

No need for a "German Raider System" in 2023 to deal with a bunch of 3rd world primitives who are enabled by lack of action and people who think "killing is bad" and "I mean its basically ok because I can understand where they are coming from" "legacy of colonialism" "ReeEeEE" or what not.