Sunday, December 24, 2023

Wall Street Journal Says US President Biden Convinced Netanyahu Not To Launch A Pre-Emptive Strike On Hezbollah After The Oct. 7 Attack By Hamas


Daily Mail: President Biden convinced Netanyahu to abort Israeli preemptive strike on Hezbollah with just MOMENTS to spare, in effort to prevent all-out Middle East war based on 'unreliable' intel days after October 7 attacks 

President Biden got on a 45 minute phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in the day's following the deadly attack on Israel by Hamas Biden urged Netanyahu to stand down from launching strikes on Hezbollah in Lebanon 

This came amid ongoing efforts from inside the White House to de-escalate the conflict in the middle east President Biden got on a 45 minute call with Netanyahu to convince him to stand down from launching strikes on Hezbollah days after the October 7 terror attack on Israel by Hamas. 

According to sources familiar with the phone call, Biden urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to abort Israel's mission to strike against Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. 

The pre-emptive strike was set to take place in the days after Hamas launched a terror attack at the Supernova music festival in Israel.  

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WNU Editor: Israel is denying reports that US President Biden talked Netanyahu out of preventive strike on Hezbollah after Oct 7 .... Israel Denies Report Biden Talked Netanyahu Out Of Preventive Strike On Hezbollah After Oct 7 (I24NEWS). More here .... Israel's Netanyahu says military acts based on Israeli calculations (Reuters). 

Wall Street Journal Says US President Biden Convinced Netanyahu Not To Launch A Pre-Emptive Strike On Hezbollah After The Oct. 7 Attack By Hamas  

How Biden Averted a Second Front by Convincing Israel Not to Attack Hezbollah on Oct. 11 -- Wall Street Journal  

Biden convinced Netanyahu not to strike Hezbollah after Hamas attacks, says report -- The Independent  

Biden convinced Netanyahu not to launch pre-emptive strike on Hezbollah on Lebanon: report -- NYPost  

Joe Biden 'stepped in' to stop Israel from carrying out brutal attack on Hezbollah -- Express

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