Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Will There Be A ‘Black Swan' National Security Event in 2024?

Modernity: CBS News Reporter Makes “Dark” Prediction of ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024  

Major “national security event” that would negatively impact America. 

CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge made a “dark” prediction that 2024 will produce a ‘Black Swan Event’ which shocks the world. Herridge made the call during a round table discussion when she was asked by host Margaret Brennan about what we could expect to see unfold over the coming year. 

“Well, mine’s a little dark,” Herridge stated. “I just feel a lot of concern that 2024 may be the year of a black swan event. This is a national security event with high impact that’s very hard to predict.”  

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WNU Editor: We live in an age where what was rare in the past is now becoming normal. As to the possibility of a "Black Swan" national security event in 2024? I would not bet against it.


Gadfly Speck said...

She’s predicting an event which by definition can’t be predicted.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, mr Fair and balanced , who has never been right, says we have nothing to worry about!!

And if you believe in self reliance and are stocking up on stuff in case of a natural or man-made disaster, you must be either a chud, cracker or white supremest.

I guess he never heard of the FEMA resiliency program. But that would be too logical for an ideologue like him to handle.

Anonymous said...

Taiwan is expected, so it is not a "Black Swan" event. A 30% or 40% market crash and the follow on depression will be a Black Swan.

Xi has said he will move on Taiwan and President Magoo will let him do it. Although Obamas actually calling the shots.

His Foreign Service lead by Idiot Blinkin and "Jake the Snake" are incompetent, and along with Sec Def Austin not seen as bright or competent, which I why China disrespects them, especially Austin.

Anonymous said...

@CBS_Herridge predicts in 2024, the U.S. may have "a national security event with high impact that's very hard to predict,"

They predict something that's very hard to predict!

Anonymous said...

Just like Brandon predicting Russia was about to invade. Before he went on CNN, Brandon had already greenlit a massive wave of artillery and car bombings on Donetsk and the movement of 80k soldiers right up to the edge of the city. What profound foresight Joe has!

I wonder what they've got planned, er I mean, predicted for us this time?

Anonymous said...

Modern democRATS live by invoking fear.

Anonymous said...

even a winter storm is an opportunity to spread fear, and propaganda these days.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What worked really well for the left was the summer of terror (I mean summer of love, of course), they conducted, using para-military equipped black guards (Antifa) to spread terror and chaos among the population. This terror in the population was then amplified and re-directed against the "proud boys" who were labeled as extremist (while their agenda was stopping antifa to beat up women and children at the protests for freedom of speech on the right)

It went very, very well indeed -- as long as Twitter was in their control.

Twitter is still not a free speech place, and still - despite Musk - the left narrative is dominant on twitter. Yes, many, many bots - but this does not matter.. in the end, the untrained eye will think "heck, if everyone says it, Antifa must be the good guys"

They are not the good guys. People who mask their faces when they club peaceful protestors are never the good guys. Also, fun fact: Antifa is a German-based organization that is deeply rooted in propagation fascist and communist goals - their name is just a cover.

Good luck in 2024. Not sure what will happen, but one thing is for sure: Blood will flow and the media will try to consolidate power to stop alternative media sources

Domination of the media and information space is critical for illegitimate governments to prevail. They will do -everything- to stay in power. Everything they can get away with at least.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And over half the country agrees—guess we are on Swan Lake

Anonymous said...

Plus they are racist

Anonymous said...

Taco Tuesday AND Thursday?

Anonymous said...
