Monday, July 21, 2008

Wars, Terrorism, And Violence Are Going Out Of Style -- A Summary Of The World's Conflicts

From The Strategy Page:

July 19, 2008: While the mass media continues to feature wars and terrorism, the overall trend continues away from such unpleasantness. Such stories are anathema to the mass media, because they do not attract eyeballs, and revenue. That's the way people are, and the result is a distorted view of trends in global violence.

Worldwide, violence continues to decline, as it has for the last few years. Violence has also greatly diminished, or disappeared completely, in places like Iraq, Nepal, Chechnya, Congo, Indonesia and Burundi. Even Afghanistan, touted as the new war zone, is seeing less violence this year than last.

All this continues a trend that began when the Cold War ended, and the Soviet Union no longer subsidized terrorist and rebel groups everywhere. The current wars are basically uprisings against police states or feudal societies, which are seen as out-of-step with the modern world. Many are led by radicals preaching failed dogmas (Islamic conservatism, Maoism), that still resonate among people who don't know about the dismal track records of these movements.

Read more ....

My Comment: As people become more educated, the attraction of fundamentalist or extreme philosophies/ideologies/or nationalistic goals declines. Opening up the world via the internet has also helped in making people sensitive to different cultures, economies, political systems, the importance of legal institutions, and what does it take for a successful society to function.

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