Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Coup In Guinea -- News Updates For December 24, 2008

Guinea Junta Promises Elections As Government Seeks Help -- Yahoo News/Reuters

CONAKRY (Reuters) – The military junta attempting a coup in Guinea promised on Wednesday to hold elections in two years time, but the West African state's top civilian leader appealed to the world to prevent the takeover from succeeding.

There was confusion over who was really running the world's No. 1 exporter of aluminum ore bauxite two days after the death of long-serving President Lansana Conte. His death left a power vacuum and triggered a coup bid by a group of officers.

The sprawling seaside capital Conakry was calm on Wednesday but soldiers patrolled the streets. Witnesses saw one heavily-armed group entering the central bank building.

Read more ....

More News On The Coup In Guinea

Guinea coup leaders rule out elections for two years -- AFP
Military group: Guinea elections by end of 2010 -- AP
Guinea Coup Leaders Name 32-Member Governing Council -- Bloomberg
Guinea coup leaders promise poll within two years -- The Guardian
Guinea coup plotters plan two-year reign -- ABC News (Australia)
Guinea Coup Plotters Promise 2010 Elections -- Voice Of America
Guinea in danger of war as military-civilian standoff continues following coup -- The Telegraph
Guinea plea to end attempted coup -- BBC
Stand-Off After Coup Attempt in Guinea -- New York Times
Q&A: Guinea's power struggle -- BBC
Guinean coup meets with int'l condemnations -- China View

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