Tuesday, April 7, 2009

U.S. Missile Defense News

Gates Gets Real on Anti-Missiles, Schwacks 'Boost Phase' Defense -- The Danger Room

Listening to Keith Olbermann last night, you'd think it's 1987, and America doesn't have a clue how to do missile defense. But that ain't the case. The U.S. military actually has a solid array of gear for knocking out a single missile -- as long as it's been in flight for a while. It’s the technology for schwacking a missile when it's lifting off (so-called "boost phase" missile defense) that's still stuck in the era of shoulder pads and leg warmers. Which is why Defense Secretary Robert Gates slashed more than a billion dollars from those programs yesterday.

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More News On The U.S. Missile Defense Program

Lawmakers Warn Slashing Missile Defense Leaves U.S. Vulnerable -- FOX News
US to trim missile budget, induct more drones -- Hindustan Times
Lieberman pans plan to cut missile defense -- The Hill

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