Saturday, December 26, 2009

Elite U.S. Force Expanding Hunt In Afghanistan

From The New York Times:

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan — Secretive branches of the military’s Special Operations forces have increased counterterrorism missions against some of the most lethal groups in Afghanistan and, because of their success, plan an even bigger expansion next year, according to American commanders.

The commandos, from the Army’s Delta Force and the Navy’s classified Seals units, have had success weakening the network of Sirajuddin Haqqani, the strongest Taliban warrior in eastern Afghanistan, the officers said. Mr. Haqqani’s group has used its bases in neighboring Pakistan to carry out deadly strikes in and around Kabul, the Afghan capital.

Read more ....

My Comment: The same tactics that were applied in Iraq to wipe out insurgent command and control centers is now being applied to Afghanistan .... with the same deadly results.

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