Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The FARC Guerrilla Movement Have Purchased 7 Anti-Aircraft Missiles

Photo courtesy of Megapixie
A 9K38 Igla missile

FARC Rebels' Missile Purchase Raises Concerns -- Miami Herald

Missiles allegedly purchased by Colombian FARC guerrillas could pose a threat to U.S.-supplied helicopters used in the war against the rebels, experts said.

Colombia's FARC guerrillas have allegedly purchased at least seven anti-aircraft missiles that experts say could threaten U.S.-provided helicopters essential to the South American country's fight against the rebels.

Peruvian prosecutors detailed the purchases when they charged a dozen people in December with buying hundreds of weapons from crooked Peruvian security force officials and delivering them to an arms buyer for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC.

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My Comment: Who is to say that they will use it against Colombian Army helicopters. They have a history of committing mass murder .... with such a background I would not be surprised if they go after something bigger .... like 7 airliners.

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