Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- March 10, 2010

Maliki vs. Allawi -- Michael Crowley, The New Republic

Which one should we prefer to lead Iraq?

In the late summer of 2007, Baghdad was buzzing with talk of a coup. Iraq was gripped by horrific civil war, and the government of Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki seemed at best unable to do anything about it. (At worst he appeared guilty of contributing to sectarian violence himself.) In November, U.S. national security advisor Steve Hadley had returned from a visit with Maliki and reported grave doubts about the prime minister’s competence. “[T]he reality on the streets of Baghdad suggests Maliki is either ignorant of what is going on, misrepresenting his intentions, or that his capabilities are not yet sufficient to turn his good intentions into action,” Hadley wrote in a memo leaked to the media. On August 21, George W. Bush himself seemed to encourage Maliki’s overthrow. “The fundamental question is: Will the government respond to the demands of the people?” Bush asked at a press conference. “If the government doesn't respond to the demands of the people, they will replace the government.” It was practically an invitation to a coup.

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Doomsday in Iraq -- is it really just around the corner? -- Tom Engelhardt, L.A. Times

Victory in Iraq at Last (Not!) -- Leon Hadar, Real Clear World

It’s Up to Iraqis Now. Good Luck. -- Thomas Friedman, New York Times

No need to ban the bomb -- Francis J. Gavin, L.A. Times

The Missile Shield Deadlock between the US and Russia -- Christian Neef, Spiegel Online

With Friends Like These: How not to gain China’s respect. -- Ross Terrill, Weekly Standard

Iran Incensed by Israel's Dubai Hit -- Azar Azadi, Real Clear World/Jerusalem Post

5 myths about who becomes a terrorist -- Jessica Stern, Washington Post

Haiti's Rape Crisis -- Liesl Gerntholtz, The Daily Beast

So Greece Has Cleared Some Obstacles, But Will Spain Overcome Its Hurdles? -- Hudson Institute

Is East Africa the Next Frontier for Oil? -- Nick Wadhams, Time Magazine

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