Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pictures On The Boarding Of The Mavi Marmara Aid Ship To Gaza Becoming Public

'Evidence': A Wounded Israeli Soldier During The Violent Clash With Activists. Israel Claims The Photos Show Troops Were Met With Resistance

Are These The Photos That Prove Israeli Soldiers Were Attacked By Activists When They Stormed Flotilla? -- The Daily Mail

Dramatic pictures of bloodied Israeli troops being overpowered by pro-Palestinian activists on the stormed Gaza aid ship emerged yesterday.

Images from the Mavi Marmara show them in distress - one appearing to depict a commando at the mercy an angry mob with blood pouring from a stomach wound.

The photos, taken by an unidentified person on the ship, have caused anger in Israel and came as Iran promised a military escort for cargo ships attempting to break the blockade of Gaza. Ratcheting up the tension in the region, Iran's feared Revolutionary Guard offered to protect any more maritime convoys bound for the disputed territory.

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My Comment: I am sure these are censored versions from the Israeli Government, I am sure that with time more "uncensored" pictures will be released.

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