Monday, March 28, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- March 28, 2011

Judging Obama's Libya Speech: 4 Key Answers (It All Boils Down To Strategy) -- Thomas G. Mahnken, Shadow Government/Foreign Policy

The United States, its allies, and its coalition partners have been at war for over a week now. For political, ideological, and legal reasons, the White House is reluctant to use the terminology of warfare, so Obama administration spokesman Jay Carney resorted to acts of linguistic contortion, terming the conflict "kinetic military action" and "time-limited, scope-limited military action." But make no mistake; we are at war. If we are to prevail, we must be clear-headed in articulating our aims and formulating a strategy to meet them.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

10 things Libya tells us about Barack Obama and war
-- Toby Harnden, The Telegraph
On Libya, Obama fails the 3 a.m. test. What would President Hillary Clinton have done? -- John Hughes, Christian Science Monitor
Refusing to lead: O's hapless Mideast 'agenda' -- Arthur Herman, New York Post
Where is the leader of the free world? -- Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post
Who’s wearing pantsuit at White House? -- Joe Curl, The Washington Times

In Obama’s push for Mideast peace, whose side is he on? -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post
‘Cowboy’ Bush was a far more effective world leader than ‘focus group’ Obama -- Nile Gardiner, The Telegraph

Obama Arming Al Qaeda? -- The Prowler, American Spectator

Stalemate in Afghanistan -- David Axe, The Diplomat
The Kill Team: How U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses -- Rolling Stone
The Endgame in Afghanistan -- At War/New York Times

Is Syria About to Jettison Its Emergency Law? -- Rania Abouzeid, Time
The Syria debate -- Ben Smith, Politico
In Syria, a test for Bashar Assad -- Garrett Therolf and Jeffrey Fleishman, Los Angeles Times
Syrian violence raises the stakes on Arab upheaval -- Peter Goodspeed, National Post
Hugo Chavez doubling down on support for Mideast dictators
-- Joshua Keating, Foreign Policy

Britain and France: The new alliance
-- Anne Applebaum, Spectator

Reality Check: Last thing we need is a 2nd round in Gaza
-- Jeff Barak, Jerusalem Post

The Case for Intervention in the Ivory Coast
-- Corinne Fufka, Foreign Policy

Clarity on Who Rules Russia
-- Victor Davidoff, Moscow Times

India's vexing flyover of Libya -- Harsh V. Pant, Japan Times

Pentagon cutting dollars, costing lives? -- James Jay Carafano, Washington Examiner

Drill, Brazil, drill, says the U.S. -- Washington Post editorial

We're regressing into a disorderly age and it seems to me that the police aren't doing enough to halt the slide -- Melanie Phillips, Daily Mail

Commentaries, Opinions, Editorials, And Analysis On The Libyan War

Who Are the Rebels? -- Jon Lee Anderson, New Yorker
The Libyan Tab -- John Fund, Wall Street Journal
Why Not Assassinate Qaddafi? -- Michael Rubin, Commentary
Charlie Foxtrot Over Libya -- Jed Babbin, American Spectator
Humanitarian? We're at War in Libya to Protect European Oil -- Rush Limbaugh
A War By Any Name -- Ross Douthat, New York Times
Libyan Rebel Gains Could Be Fleeting, U.S. Military Says -- New York Times
Libyan rebels’ ragtag army has heart but lacks organization and training -- Washington Post
U.S. Plan to End Libya War: Hope The Generals Quit -- The Danger Room
Analysis: Rebel leaders cautious as airstrikes reshape battle against Gaddafi -- The Guardian
NATO bombs let rebels fight on Qaddafi's turf
-- CBS
Global powers must offer Gaddafi exit route: analysts -- MSNBC
Is Gadhafi on the ropes in Libya? -- The Week
Why NATO May Stop Short of Bombing Gadhafi’s Regime to Smithereens -- Tony Karon, CNN/Time
Obama aides find moral clarity in Libya's foggy war -- Timothy P. Carney, Washington Examiner

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