Monday, March 28, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- March 29, 2011

Why I Fear The West Can't Influence The Powder Keg That Is The Arab World -- Max Hastings, The Daily Mail

Britain, France and America now have a commitment in Libya for which no one can foretell the ending. The wider Arab world is in a ferment which causes every monarch and tyrant in the region to tremble.

Western leaders ritually applaud the stirrings of revolt in Syria and Yemen. But they are struggling to define new policies in the face of events whose significance remains shrouded in uncertainty.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

What's at Stake at the London Meeting on Libya? -- Glen Levy, Time

Give War a Chance -- William Kristol, Weekly Standard

The Devil We Know -- Peter Wehner, Weekly Standard

Libya. The Observer debate: Is it right to be intervening in Libya's struggle for freedom? -- The Guardian

Politicians, Media & “Kinetic Military Actions”: Libya In Historical Perspective -- Brian Birdnow, Townhall

Libya Lesson: Don't Give Up Your WMDs -- Armchair Generalist

Why Punish Libya, But Not Syria? -- IBD Editorial

Assad plots his next move in live-or-die game for Syria -- Paul McGeough, Sydney Morning Herald

What is at stake if Syria's regime falls -- Nicholas Blanford, Christian Science Monitor

Is it 'game over' in Yemen?: The Yemeni president still appears more defiant than responsive to the protests rocking his country. -- Murad Alazzany, Al Jazeera

Brewing Civil War in Yemen Has All Sides Nervous -- Alexander Smoltczyk, Spiegel Online

Does the "Obama doctrine" apply to the Ivory Coast? -- Elizabeth Dickinson, Foreign Policy

High profile scandals in China, India, and the Philippines: What's going on? -- Simon Montlake, Christian Science Monitor

Vanishing act by Japanese executive during nuclear crisis raises questions -- Washington Post

Tokyo's Fatalism: Courage in the Face of Disaster -- Walter Mayr, Spiegel Online

How To Ruin The FBI -- IBD Editorial

More News On President Obama's Speech On Libya

Text Of Obama's Speech On Libya: 'A Responsibility To Act' -- NPR

Obama strongly defends US military action in Libya -- Yahoo News/AP
Obama vows U.S. forces won't get bogged down in Libya -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Obama 'we stopped massacre in Libya' -- Yahoo News/AFP
Obama: U.S. had responsibility to act in Libya -- Washington Post
Obama: Libya mission necessary to protect 'common humanity' -- Christina Science Monitor
‘Deadly advance’ Obama’s trigger -- Washington Times
Brutality in Libya required swift action, Obama says --
Obama Cites Limits of U.S. Role in Libya -- New York Times
Obama offers forceful defense of Libya action -- CBS News
Obama: We should not be afraid to act -- CBS
Obama makes his case for U.S. intervention in Libya -- CNN
Obama: U.S. Has 'Stopped Qaddafi's Deadly Advance' in Libya -- FOX News
Libya: Obama defends war, insists US role is limited -- BBC
Obama Defends US Involvement in Libyan Air Campaign -- Voice of America
Obama Seeks to Bolster Public Support -- Wall Street Journal
Obama: ‘We Have Responsibility to Act’ -- Wall Street Journal
Obama seeks to define Libya goals, exit plan -- Reuters

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