Thursday, November 3, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- November 3, 2011

Inevitable Implosion: European Union v. Democracy -- Nile Gardiner, New York Post

In 2002, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned that building a European Union superstate “will seem in future years to be perhaps the greatest folly of the modern era.” Less than a decade later, she’s being proved right, as the EU faces the biggest crisis in its history.

Last week, Eurozone leaders hammered out a makeshift deal to significantly expand the $600 billion European Financial Stability Fund -- seemingly calming fears of a Greek default on billions in public debt. But on Monday, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou announced a referendum on the EU’s bailout package -- sending shockwaves across the continent and the globe.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Why the Greek referendum controversy is a tragedy in slow motion. -- Nick Malkoutzis, Foreign Policy

The euro: a nice idea until the people got in the way -- Margaret Wente, Globe And Mail

Should Greece Ditch the Euro? -- Michael Schuman, Time

Greece is falling — are we next? -- Charlie Leonard, Aspen Times

The Mideast’s new game -- David Ignatius, Washington Post

Can the Arab League and Turkey stop the slaughter in Syria? -- Washington Post editorial

Will Israel really attack Iran? -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post

An attack on Iran would be disastrous
-- Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian

Analysis: "Wounded bear" Iran specter haunts West's planners -- William Maclean, Reuters

Iran’s waning influence on Iraq
-- Ray Takeyh, Washington Post

Libya episode casts doubts on policy of foreign intervention -- Gordon Robison, Gulf News

The Overblown Islamist Threat
-- Marwan Muasher, New York Times

Japan’s Future in the Balance -- Jeffrey W. Hornung, The Diplomat

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