Monday, February 20, 2012

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- February 20, 2012

Iran Uses European Oil Dependence As Blackmail On Nukes -- Niall Ferguson, Daily Beast

The signs of economic recovery in the United States grow more numerous—and with them rises the probability of President Obama’s reelection. But two crises abroad threaten to rain on the American parade: the European sovereign-debt debacle and the phony war over Iran’s nuclear program. Most commentators treat these two crises as unrelated. But they are in reality two sides of the same crisis. Call it the Euranian crisis.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

How the U.S.-Iran Standoff Looks From Israel
-- Efraim Inbar, Bloomberg

Israel has every right to defend itself against Iran -- Niles Gardiner, The Telegraph

Israel must listen to U.S. warnings against Iran attack
-- Haaretz editorial

Yemen elections: Only one choice, but is it still progress?
-- Tom Peter, Christian Science monitor

How Syria Is Splitting Russia and China From the Developing World -- Ted Piccone & Emily Alinikoff, The Atlantic

Obama’s Egyptian Hostage Crisis -- Max Boot, Commentary

Zimbabwe: how we aid profligacy
-- David Blair, The Telegraph

In Honduras, a Catastrophe Long Foretold -- Mark Ungar, New York Times

America and China: strategic choices in the Asian Century -- Hugh White, East Asia Forum

Falklands or Malvinas? -- Marc B. Haefele, L.A. Times

Trade Is War, By Other Means
-- Irwin M. Stelzer, Weeklyt Standard

WikiLeaks, a Postscript -- Bill Keller, New York Times

Looking for Jihad in all the right places
-- Michael Walsh, New York Post

As Time Goes By . . .
-- Victor Davis Hanson, NRO

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