Monday, February 20, 2012

Is The U.S. Pushing Pakistan For Bases To Conduct Intelligence Operations In Iran?

Eavesdropping On Iran: ‘US Pressing For Listening Posts In Balochistan’ -- Express Tribune


Everyone wants to have a hand to play in Balochistan.

The latest player to unmask itself is the United States. Even as tensions brew between Pakistan and the US over a resolution introduced in the US House of Representatives seeking sovereignty for the volatile province, officials reveal that the US has been pushing Islamabad for permission to establish bases in Balochistan for intelligence operations against bordering Iran.

“Like always, things are not what they look like, and how they unfold … lies at the heart of all (this). The outburst in America for Balochistan is part of an ambition to set up intelligence bases close to the Iranian border,” an official told The Express Tribune on Sunday, indicating that the Congressional hearing and proposed resolution were playing their part as pressure tactics.

Read more ....

My Comment: I am skeptical .... the U.S. are already in Afghanistan, right on the border with Iran. Why another base in Pakistan when Pakistan has gone out of its way to kick the Americans out of their country .... especially after the killing of Osama Bin Laden. I cannot help but feel that this is all talk from within Pakistan .... reacting to the U.S. Congress and it's resolution on Balochistan .... but at least the Iranians have taken the bait on this "non-story".

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