Friday, May 25, 2012

Is Yemen Becoming Vietnam, Circa 1963? -- US News and World Report

U.S. military aircraft hammered enemy targets, and small numbers of American troops provided training and operational advice to allied forces. That was Vietnam in the early 1960s, but it also describes Yemen today as the Obama administration steps up counter-terrorism efforts against al Qaeda's most lethal cell.

The administration responded to months of al Qaeda victories over Yemeni security forces by stepping up air strikes on the extremist group and sending "small numbers of trainers," as one Pentagon spokesman put it, to the Middle East nation.

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My Comment:
We have a long way to go before Yemen becomes like South Vietnam. To begin .... there are many differences between the Yemen of today and South Vietnam 1963 .... for one .... there is no Cold War at play. One other big difference between Yemen and South Vietnam (circa 1963) is that Yemen is suffering a humanitarian crisis that is engulfing the nation.

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