Sunday, August 5, 2012

How A Sunni Victory In Syria May Impact A Shiite Hezbollah In Lebanon

Assad’s Fall May Free Lebanon, Too -- Amir Taheri, New York Post

With Syrian despot Bashar al-Assad on his way out, one of the world’s most dangerous terrorist organizations may also be heading for trouble — Hezbollah, in Syrian-dominated Lebanon.

The clearest sign so far that Hezbollah may be losing its grip on Lebanese politics came Wednesday, as Lebanon marked the 67th anniversary of the foundation of its national army.

In his Army Day speech, President Michel Suleiman, an ex- general, rejected all three pillars of Hezbollah’s discourse:

* Hezbollah insists that it maintains an unofficial army to “resist Israeli aggression.”

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My Comment
: In the Middle East religion is everything. The loss of a loyal supporter like Syrian President Assad (an Alawite Shiite) will have long term strategic implications for ShiiteHezbollah. Amir Taheri's hits all the right points, but I disagree with his contention that it will help Lebanon. A weakened Hezbollah will result with an unpredictable and dangerous Hezbollah .... and what it will do to maintain its status in Lebanon should give pause to everyone.

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