Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- April 18, 2013

Did G8 Summit Deliver On Syria? -- Jonathan Marcus, BBC

The Syrian crisis inevitably overshadowed this G8 summit and in many ways the outcome could be characterised as one step backwards followed by one step forward.

President Vladimir Putin may have vigorously denied it, but the Russians had risked isolation at this summit and it was not clear at one point if there would be any common language on Syria at all.

In the event the communique is largely a reaffirmation of what was said at the Geneva Conference in June 2012 charting the steps needed to move ahead with a political transition.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

G8 Exposes Rift Among Leaders on Syria -- Julie Pace, Real Clear World

Syria Part of Aggressive Iranian Strategy -- Robert G. Rabil, National Interest

Analyst: Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria now best-equipped of the group -- Barbara Starr. Holly Yan and Chelsea J. Carter, CNN

Obama’s increasingly muddled Syria policy -- Richard Cohen, Washington Post

Why Rouhani Won -- And Why Khamenei Let Him -- Suzanne Maloney, Foreign Affairs

Security handover, diplomacy in Afghanistan. A new chapter? -- Kyle Almond, Elise Labott and Joe Sterling

Abenomics Races Against the Clock -- William Pesek, Bloomberg

Dividing The Nile - Ethiopia And Egypt Spar Over River Dam Project -- Vincent Defait, LE TEMPS/Worldcrunch

Rage in Brazil -- Mac Margolis, Daily Beast

Has U.S. started an Internet war? -- Bruce Schneier, Special to CNN

Growing Distrust Of Obama Makes It Tough To Judge NSA Scandal -- Thomas Sowell, IBD Editorial

One year after WikiLeaks founder took refuge in embassy, no one can agree where he should go -- Jim Wyss, McClatchy/The Miami Herald

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