Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- January 29, 2014

Top Five Foreign Policy Points In Obama's State Of The Union Speech -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor

In his State of the Union message, President Obama laid out intentions to keep a 'small' residual force in Afghanistan, to veto any new Iran sanctions that Congress may approve, and to close the Guantánamo detention camp.

President Obama may have focused on getting things done at home in his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, but he actually dedicated more time to foreign policy issues – at least 15 minutes of a speech that lasted a bit more than an hour – than to other hot topics like immigration, education, and health care.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

President Obama’s State of the Union address, in 10 memorable quotes -- Sean Sullivan, Washington Post

2014: A Risky Year in Geopolitics? -- Ian Bremmer, National Interest

Assad’s terror farce at the Geneva talks -- Tom Perriello, Reuters

Hizbollah’s policies push Lebanon towards conflict -- Michael Young, The National

China's detrimental numbers game -- Frank Ching, China Post

India Will Buy 15 Amphibious Aircraft From Japan: So What? -- Ankit Panda, The Diplomat

Pacific Pivot? More Like Retreat -- John Feffer, Real Clear World

In Ukraine, fascists, oligarchs and western expansion are at the heart of the crisis -- Seumas Milne, The Guardian

Amid 'civil war' talk, Kremlin keeps wary eye on Ukraine -- Fred Weir, Christian Science Monitor

Putin's Games: Influence Peddling at the Feeding Troughs of Sochi -- Christian Neef and Matthias Schepp, Spiegel Online

The Sochi Olympics Are Corrupt But They're Not 'Akin' To Stalinism -- Mark Adomanis, Forbes

Queen Victoria also pleaded poverty. But these days parliament bites back -- Stephen Bates, The Guardian

Max Mosley: Google Is So 'Arrogant They Do Whatever They Like' (Interview) -- Spiegel Online

Who is Cory Remsburg? And what does he mean to Obama? -- Elizabeth Barber, Christian Science Monitor

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