Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Break In The Search For Malaysian Flight MH370?

Searchers Hear 'Ping,' Possibly From Missing Plane -- Voice of America

China said Saturday that one its ships searching for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has detected a radio pulse or "ping" in the southern Indian Ocean - a signal that could have come from the missing jet's flight data recorder.

If confirmed, experts say the monitored signal could be a breakthrough in efforts to solve the mystery surrounding the missing plane and its 239 passengers and crew. China's official Xinhua news agency reported the pulse was heard at 37.5 kilohertz per second - the international standard radio frequency for a flight data recorder's underwater beacon.

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More News On The Search For Malaysian Flight MH370

Chinese search vessel discovers pulse signal in Indian Ocean -- Xinhuanet
Chinese ship hunting for missing Malaysia jet detects "ping" -- Reuters
Chinese ship detects ‘pulse signal’ near MH370 search zone -- National Post/AP
China Searchers Note Unidentified Signal Amid Plane Hunt -- Bloomberg Buisnessweek
Chinese ship detects 'pulse signal' in search for missing Malaysia Airlines jet, report says -- FOX News
Time running out to find missing Malaysia Airlines flight signal -- Sydney Morning Herald
Could this be it? Possible Malaysia Airlines clue reported -- CNN
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Chinese ship detects a 'pulse' -- Christian Science Monitor

My Comment: It is too early to say if this is coming from the black box of Malaysian Flight MH370.

1 comment:

James said...

This would be quite a coup for the Chinese.