Friday, April 4, 2014

Soldier: Fort Hood Is 'A Black Hole'

Ft. Hood Soldier To CNN: ‘People In Jail Have A Better Life’ Than Us -- Mediate

An unnamed Ft. Hood solider, speaking to CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin, said that she did not blame the man accused of shooting dozens at the base on Tuesday night for the actions he took. She said that Ft. Hood is a “black hole,” that the soldiers stationed there do not make enough money to maintain their sanity, and that the base’s quality of life is not as good as that of inmates in American prisons.

“It’s a pretty chaotic state,” the unnamed solider said, confessing that Ft. Hood was really not “the great place” the personnel who staff the facility say that it is.

“This place is definitely a black hole,” the solider continued. “Until we have people sit up and say, ‘Hey, there needs to be change here,’ we’re going to continue to have incidents.”

Read more ....

My Comment: This Fort Hood soldier speaks candidly about what the reality of living on the Texas military base is like. And while a part of me likes to believe that this is not true .... listening to her voice has convinced me that it probably is. To say that this video is disturbing is an understatement.


D.Plowman said...

Whoever this soldier is, to say that she did not blame the man for the actions he took is bizarre.

Maybe it was not her intent but it came across as almost trying to lessen the crime that was done that resulted in lives being taken.

James said...

More non-specific charges by a unnamed person. When you see terms as "quality of life, burger flipper, jail, something must be done" you know it it is a leftist talking points list.

Nicholas Darkwater said...

The press grabs some PFC and extrapolates the entire story from another "let's find our man in the street" ploy.

Is the life of a soldier tough? Sure, and Fort Hood has it's own special kind of suck. (I continue to run into people who don't like Texas because all they've seen of it is a tour at Ft Hood. Ft Hood is not Texas.)

But military life is a different culture. Some take to it and adapt, and thrive. Some never figure it out and despair. But to blame the military for something that takes place commonly in Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, etc? The supposed professionals in the MSM just can't (or won't) get past that major fallacy of logic.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thanks to everyone for your comments .... you guys put everything into perspective.