Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Islamic State Wants To Conquer Mecca

William Young, Newsweek: ISIS Aims to Occupy Mecca

WNU Editor: In the past year the Islamic State's message to fellow Sunni Muslims has been very clear .... it is they (and they alone) who have the divine mandate to rule the Islamic world. This in turn has attracted thousands of Jihadists who are willing to die for this cause .... resulting in a fanaticism that has propelled the Middle East into a religious sectarian war of the likes that has not been seen for centuries. Will they succeed .... I have my doubts .....but their eyes are on Mecca and Jerusalem .... and this is their ultimate goal .... the conquest and occupation of these two great cities.


Unknown said...

It's not about ruling the Islamic world, it's far worse than that. It is the Qiyamah they seek and certain events need to take place first.

Jerusalem they can dream about, but Mecca.. That's a different story, it sounds like they are trying to create 'The battle in Mina' and the looting of the Hajj..

"Then the black banners will come out of the east, and they will slaughter you in a way that has never been seen before. If you see him give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi."

They know these Hadiths by heart and when Osama Bin Laden signed his first declaration of war against the US from Khurasan, he too knew that Hadith, and he made sure all his followers did so as well.

You and I may not buy into the Hadith verses, that doesn’t mean the extremists don’t. For them, they are fulfilling their prophecies here and now....

James said...

That's right Mattathias. Mecca is the golden prize. The Saudis know it, ISIS knows it, the entire Muslim world knows and is watching. The question for ISIS is do they deal with the Shias and the West first, or is now the time to go south. To have any chance at legitimacy they must have Mecca or they die on the vine. Everything else to them is tactical.

James said...

I'll add, I think they have a fair chance of taking Mecca. Holding it for any time I don't know. As for their move into Saudi Arabia, the only question I have would be, do they go for Medinah first then Mecca, or straight to Mecca?

CatholicDragoon said...

And Mecca isn't the only prize, the biggest but not only reason.
1. Some 22% of Saudi is Wahhabist the same brand that IS subscribes to.
2. Wealth
3. Oil
4. Any damage caused to the infrastructure could drive the price of oil up, so good for the IS and hurt the west in one go.
5. and don't forget the Saudi Arabia is one of the countries, supposedly, bombing them, think of the propaganda value.

Unknown said...

@James, Medina first, then Mecca.
If they don't make a move for either then they are not the embodiment of Qiyamah.. If they are not fulfilling their prophecies then they are just a rag tag bunch of barbaric killers of the worst sort..

My thoughts of course is the later :)