Wednesday, January 21, 2015

U.S. President Obama's 'State Of The Union' -- News Roundup

U.S. President Obama's 'State Of The Union' -- News Roundup

President Obama’s State of the Union speech (Text of Speech) -- Boston Globe
The highlights from President Obama's State of the Union address -- Mashable
Obama: 'Tonight, we turn the page' -- CNN
Obama: My policies are working -- The Hill
Obama declares turning point for the nation in his State of the Union -- CBS
State of the Union: Obama says economic crisis over -- BBC
Obama calls on Congress to authorize force against Islamic State -- Reuters
In State of the Union, Obama takes credit as Republicans push back -- Washington Post
Obama strikes defiant tone with Republicans in big speech -- Reuters
Obama pushes tax plan, wields veto pen in defiant State of the Union address -- FOX News
Obama warns of vetoes as he hits road to push new programs, taxes -- FOX News
Confident Obama throws punches -- The Hill
Obama says U.S., not China, must write trade rules -- Reuters
Obama vows to hunt down 'terrorists' -- Al Jazeera
Congress girds for 'net neutrality' battle -- The Hill
State of the Union: Story of the night in 12 images -- BBC
GOP's State of the Union response: "We're getting to work" -- CBS
GOP: Obama tax plan imperils reform push -- The Hill
Republican newcomer Ernst says Congress ready to change U.S. direction -- Reuters
How 2016 Republican Presidential Hopefuls Reacted to Obama's State of the Union Speech -- Bloomberg
Quotes, reaction to Obama's State of the Union speech -- AP
Analysis: With State of the Union, Obama sets agenda ... for 2016 election -- L.A. Times
With few friends in Congress, Obama looks to shape next election -- Reuters
Obama thinks the economy is broken — and that redistribution is the only way to fix it -- Danielle Kurtzleben, VOX
Analysis: Obama seizes on recovery, bets on staying power -- AP
How 7 Ideas in the State of the Union Would Affect You -- Ryan Teague Beckwith, Time
4 Obama State of the Union Ideas Do Have a Chance in Hell -- Tim Mak, Daily Beast

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