Monday, October 5, 2015

Delta Force Used IEDs To Secretly Killed Iranian Agents In Iraq

An IED developed by Delta Force and Seal Team 6 was designed to look like those made by Iraqi insurgents (such as this file photo) to carry out secret assassinations during the Iraq war, a new book claims

New York Post: Delta Force secretly killed Iranian agents in Iraq — with IEDs

The Iraq war was, in part, a proxy battle between the US and Iran. But fighting it had “political restrictions,” author Sean Naylor writes. In his new book, “Relentless Strike: The Secret History of Joint Special Operations Command,” Naylor reveals that US special operations forces came up with a solution, one that would let them conduct secret assassinations without anyone — even our own FBI — finding out.

By early 2007, some US intelligence estimates held that as many as 150 Iranian operatives were in Iraq. Many were member of the Quds Force, the covert arm of Iran’s Shi’ite theocracy. Their mission was to coordinate the violent campaign being waged against US forces by Iraq’s Shi’ite militias.

“It was 100 percent, ‘Are you willing to kill Americans and are you willing to coordinate attacks?’ ” said an officer who studied the Quds Force’s approach closely. “ ‘If the answer is “yes,” here’s arms, here’s money.’ ”

Update: US special operations 'designed IED even the FBI didn't know about for secret assassinations during the Iraq war' -- Daily Mail

WNU Editor: Why are details of this Delta Force program being made public? This story should have remained Top-Secret.


RRH said...

I used to call this "creepy s@@@" during my time over there. If you were unlucky enough to blunder your way into it, or have it intrude into your day, you kept your head down and mouth shut. Hopefully it'd just blow over.

People who do "creepy s@@@" for a living are not generally too keen on being exposed. Nor are they great conversationalists. If a person has l details/info they should keep it to themselves. It's more conducive to longevity.

RRH said...
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Philip said...

Well, it is defense appropriations time. Joint Special Operations Command has to fight along with everyone else for a share.

And the release might even have had approval from the highest levels. As someone else mentioned, "so they don't look like suck-ups to the Iranians and f--k-ups in Iraq."

RRH said...


Makes sense. Kinda....

RRH said...

This is interesting:

phill said...

Seems like a warning of sorts to me.