Sunday, February 21, 2016

Israel Starts To Plan For A Post-War Syria

UN peacekeepers monitor the Syrian side of the Israeli-Syrian border from an army post at Mount Bental in the Golan Heights last July (photo credit: Tsafrir Abayov/Flash90)

Haaretz: Israel Is Changing Its Approach to Syria War Amid Assad's Battleground Advances

Russian intervention has tilted the scales, and Jerusalem is concerned of a regime victory, which would be victory for Iran as well. To prevent that, Israeli officials believe West must intervene in favor of moderate rebels.

Israel Is Changing Its Approach to Syria War Amid Assad's Battleground Advances

Russian intervention has tilted the scales, and Jerusalem is concerned of a regime victory, which would be victory for Iran as well. To prevent that, Israeli officials believe West must intervene in favor of moderate rebels.

Israel has pledged to respond militarily to any attack on its territory (and did so on a number of occasions). It also said it would act to stop the smuggling of advanced weaponry from Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon (and according to foreign media reports, has indeed done so on numerous occasions). Israel also offered humanitarian aid to villages on the Syrian side of the border in the Golan Heights. In exchange, local rebel Sunni militias have kept extremist organizations that could attack Israel away from the areas under their control.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Syrian war has definitely diverted the world's attention away from Israel .... and from its own conflict with the Palestinians. The conflict has also diverted the attention of Hezbollah and Iran .... who are now involved in a life and death struggle against Sunni militants and their allies in Syria and Iraq. But all wars do come to an end, and for Israel now is probably the best time for them to analyse, plan, and calculate what would be the consequences of a post-war Syria on its security. What's my take .... this war .... when it is over .... will have exhausted everyone from waging war for at least a generation ... and the focus will be on rebuilding. In short ... from an Israeli perspective .... this conflict may have bought peace for Israel for at least 10 - 20 years (maybe).


RRH said...

. "this conflict may have bought peace for Israel for at least 10 - 20 years (maybe)."

I guess that depends on Israel.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Israel, I was watching a video showing SAA vehicles equipped with anti TOW counter measures, does anyone know(Jay) if that is anything like the Trophy system that Israel uses?
9:05 shows the device
14:23 supposedly shows it in action

fazman said...

Dont forget about iran

RRH said...

Ha ha.

How could we?

Jay Farquharson said...

Shorta-1 is deployed on all T-90 tanks and apparently Syria's T-72's have been upgraded with both the latest contact armour, and the Shorta-1 system.

The Arena system may also be deployed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Jay, so one is a disrupter and the other is a defensive warhead.