Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Report: Scores Of Russian Generals Killed In A Bomb Attack In Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin with Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Mikhail Fradkov (L) and Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov in Moscow, Dec. 19, 2015.Reuters

Jerusalem Post: Report: Dozens of Russian generals in Syria killed after a car bomb hits their military base

The military base that was hit by the car bomb is considered one of the most important military centers of the Russian forces on the Syrian coast, located some 15 kilometers from Latakia.

Dozens of Russian Generals at a military base near the eastern Syrian city of Latakia were killed Sunday afternoon in a deadly car bomb attack committed by two opposition factions, Ahrar al-Sham and Bayan movement, Syrian opposition groups reported on Wednesday.

According to the media office of Ahrar al-Sham, the two factions, in coordination with local jihadists who were located at the Russian military base, decided to bomb the car after they observed a gathering of senior Russian generals at the military base.

Ahrar al-Sham claims that dozens of Russian generals were killed and injured in the explosion. According to the movement, the announcement of the terror attack was delayed until Wednesday to ensure that the jihadists who committed the attack returned safely to opposition territories.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I am sceptical that so many Russian generals would gather together in one place .... and in a war zone .... and be killed in such a manner. But I did read on a Russian social media site that is covering Russia's involvement in Syria that a Russian general and some of his staff were killed in a bomb attack a few days ago. No comment from the Kremlin .... so far.


James said...

Bob caught this one. Yeah, the "dozens" number doesn't ring too true, but something happened.

Jay Farquharson said...

Other than the one social media claim, by Anhar al Sham, there are no other reports, not even of a car bombing in Latakia Province.

The only confirmed car bombings in Syria last Sunday, were the ISIS attacks in Damascus and Hom's.

As one snark post on one thread noted, JP got it wrong, it was 23 Generals, 3 Admirals and 4 Field Marshalls.

Don Bacon said...

...and a partridge in a pear tree. (as useful as most generals)

Stephen Davenport said...

I got a buck that says a general and some of his staff got clipped.

RussInSoCal said...

If this turns out to be true, it'll be laid bare how ridiculously top heavy the Russian military is.

War News Updates Editor said...

23 Generals, 3 Admirals and 4 Field Marshalls .... LOL .... good one Jay.

Jay Farquharson said...

Hasn't been a Marshall, (Tsarist, Soviet, Russian) since 2001.

The story so far is about as "real" as the Ukrainian SBU's claims that 8 Russian Generals were "running" the DPR and LPR Forces on the ground in the Donbass.

Given the Org. Charts of Russian Forces and the forces deployed to Syria, outside of the occasional MMM's, (which would take place in Damascus), there might be a grand total of 6 Russian Generals on the ground in Syria, and that's the high count, there are probably less than 3.

B.Posterh said...

I'm skeptical of this report too. The Russian military is the world's most powerful, it's intellegence services are the world's best, and it's military forces are the world's best led and best trained. Furthermore Russia has a network of alliances that no one else can hope to match. As such, their intellegence services would have almost instantly warned them of any pending attack and their allies along with their highly trained and motivated troops would have defended their leaders to the point that any would be attackers would have been thwarted before they could have gotten anywhere near the generals. As such, this report is almost certainly sheer bunk.

As far as we know, Islamic groups have not killed a single American general in the last 15 years, American forces are nowhere close to Russian forces in terms of capabilities, American intellegence services are essentially blind, deaf, and dumb in Syria and the middle east, if given the choice Islamic groups would much rather kill American generals than Russuan generals, and killing every American general everywhere in the world would be far easier than getting close enough to one Russian general to breathe on him. As such, this report seems implausible.

If an American general were merely breathed upon improperly, the American and world media would breathlessly report it. Russia does seem to have an ability at messaging that America lacks.

War News Updates Editor said...

Jay .... I also read that there are 3 or 4 "Generals" at any-time in Syria. I emailed a friend who knows all about this stuff .... he will get back to me when he wakes up (8 hour time difference)

Unknown said...

Are you kidding?

B.Poster said...

Clearly the "scores" of generals is wrong. 1 or 2 perhaps but unlikely. In any event, if Russia cannot protect it's generals, there's no reason to think America can either. Nevertheless I will be interested to find out just how many Russian generals are operating in Syria at any given time. The American military should study Russian military operations. After all, if one wants to be the best, it makes sense to study the best.

War News Updates Editor said...

I was told there are 4 Russian Generals there.