Friday, March 11, 2016

President Obama Blames British Prime Minister Cameron For The Chaos In Libya

The Independent: Barack Obama says David Cameron allowed Libya to become a 's*** show'

Unprecedented attack by serving US President claims UK was 'distracted'.

Barack Obama has sharply criticised David Cameron for the UK’s role in allowing Libya to become a “shit show” after the fall of the dictator Muammar Gaddafi, in an unprecedented attack on a British leader by a serving US President.

Mr Obama said that following a successful military intervention to aid rebels during the 2011 Arab Spring revolt, Libya was left to spiral out of control – due largely to the inaction of America’s European allies.

In a candid US magazine interview, Mr Obama said: “When I go back and I ask myself what went wrong… there’s room for criticism, because I had more faith in the Europeans, given Libya’s proximity, being invested in the follow-up.”

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WNU Editor: The White house is now in damage control .... White House on damage control after Obama slams Cameron for Libya (UPI).

More News On President Obama Blaming British Prime Minister Cameron For The Chaos In Libya

David Cameron was distracted during Libya crisis, says Barack Obama -- The Guardian
Barack Obama accuses David Cameron of getting 'distracted' over Libya and contributing to 's*** show' -- The Telegraph
Obama: Cameron was 'distracted' after Libya intervention -- BBC
Obama blasts Cameron for 'free riding' over defence and for leaving Libya a 's***show' -- Daily Mail
Obama Critical Of Cameron Over Libya Invasion -- SKY News
David Cameron became 'distracted' after Libya military intervention, Barack Obama says -- ABC News Online
Barack Obama blasts David Cameron for letting Libya plunge into a 'mess' -- Express
Obama Blasts David Cameron for U.K.'s Role in Libya -- Fortune
Obama points finger at Britain, France over Libya chaos -- FOX News
Obama blasts Cameron, Sarkozy for Libya ‘mess’ -- France 24
'S**t show': Obama blames UK & other European states for post-Gaddafi Libya 'mess' -- RT
Obama, Cameron and the Libya blame game -- Gideon Rachman, Financial Times
Obama's criticism of Cameron reveals president's own weaknesses -- Simon Tisdall, The Gaurdian


Bob Huntley said...

Pots and kettles.

Jay Farquharson said...

The beauty of "leading from behind", is that when, predictably, the stupid semi-plan fails, you can blame the ones in front.

War News Updates Editor said...

So true Bob and Jay.

phill said...

Blaming Bush was getting kinda old.

Jay Farquharson said...

That's an awfully big bus The Atlantic chartered for Obama to be able to fit that many people under it, all at the same time.

Young Communist said...

France, Italy, U.S.A. and U.K. are all to blame for this mess.

Unknown said...

IMO which might be wrong Obolo desisted from going into Libya.

Then Sarkozy and Berlesconi shamed him into it. Samantha Powerful provided the pretext of R2P, but no Pottery Barn plan.

The rest is history except for Obozo's Bullshit!

Unknown said...

Samantha Powers, a very smart and beautiful person!

B.Poster said...

For perhaps the only time in both of his terms as POTUS, Mr. Obama is 100% correct in his assessment of this situation. Now if this could be folowed up by decisive action to break the United States free from the subservient yoke of Western European nations such as tbe UK, France, Germany, and others, this would be good.

Unfortunately the attempts at damage control tend to indicate US leadership is not quite able to bring themselves to do this. In otherwords, Mr. Obama got "off the reservation." As such, under the direction of the leaders of the UK, Germany, France, and other Western European, the US needs to be brought back in line as their virtual colony. In all likelihood, the US and world media will back them up.

While Barack Obama fought Republicans quite effectively, he was never able to stand up to foreign adversaries nearly as effectively. This is hardly surprising as America is deeply infected by self hatred. The best analogy I've heard is "cultural Stockholm syndrone." Mr. Obama embodies this. Since there are elements within the Republican party who resist this, tnis will yend to make them enemy # 1 and helps explain why Mr. Obama has fought them effectively while being spectacularly ineffective against foreign adversaries.

Perhaps if "the deal maker" Donald Trump could be elected as POTUS we could renegotiate the ridiculous NATO deal whereby Western European parasites and certain former Eastern Bloc countires are unable to continue sucking us dry. Of course this is unlikely to happen given the cultural Stockholm Syndrone that affects America.

Even the elites do not recognize the threats due to the Cultural Stockholm Syndrone. This is because they fear the loss of their hard earned wealth and are afraid therefore they choose not to recognize the threats and they don't. Then along comes Mr. Trump who gets this before they do. (Someone has to get it first.)
As such, he has to be destroyed.

As for the populace, the prople are less insulated from reality than are the elites. As such they rrcognize the problems sooner than the elites. As soneone who gets it, this is why Mr. Trump appeals to them even while they generally abhore his immortality.

Back to the topic at hand, this could be a profound realizatby the Obama Administration. The UK and other Western European nations are NOT our friends and it's long past time we break free of tbeir controlling yoke. We should be tbeir vassals no longdr6.

I have no confidence that team Obama can finish this process. Perhaps team Trump can. Frankly barring divine intervention no one else can and as for team Trump the Cultural zstockhom Syndrone affecting America may well be to ingrained. I do hope not. God help us all and send us the right person for this job!!

B.Poster said...

I apologize for the mispellings.