Saturday, March 12, 2016

President Obama Will Travel To The U.K. To Push For Britain Staying In The European Union

The Independent: EU referendum: Barack Obama to urge Britons to back remain vote on UK visit

Exclusive: Prospect of intervention is major coup for the pro-EU campaign, but has prompted fury from Brexiteers

Barack Obama will jet into the UK next month and use his star power to convince Britons they should vote to stay in the European Union.

The timing of the US President’s intervention, a major coup for the Remain campaign, is revealed by The Independent on Sunday, as a ComRes poll for this newspaper finds that Boris Johnson, unofficial leader of the Leave campaign, matches David Cameron on “trust” – suggesting that the referendum could be closely fought. Asked which of the two they trust more to do what is best for Britain, 35 per cent say Mr Cameron and 34 per cent Mr Johnson.

Mr Obama’s visit will also help restore relations with Mr Cameron. In an interview last week, the US president accused the Prime Minister of being “distracted” over the Libya campaign.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Talk about interfering in the internal political affairs of a country. As to what is my take if President Obama does show up campaigning .... his appearance will only galvanize the opposition.

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