Saturday, March 12, 2016

White House: President Obama Did Not Mean To Criticise British PM Cameron Over Libya

New York Times: White House Backs Off From Obama’s Critique of Cameron

WASHINGTON — In his much-discussed interview with The Atlantic magazine, President Obama unloaded on a number of American allies: Britain, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and other Persian Gulf countries. On Friday, a White House official walked back Mr. Obama’s comments about the closest of the allies, Britain, and its prime minister, David Cameron.

“President Obama values deeply the special relationship between the United States and our allies in the U.K.,” the White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, told reporters on Air Force One after he was asked about the comments, which provoked a storm of angry headlines and commentary in the British news media.

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WNU Editor: The damage has already been done .... and President Obama did mean what he said.

More News On The White House Scaling back President Obama's Criticism Of British PM Cameron Over Libya

Obama did not mean to criticise Cameron over Libya, says White House -- The Guardian
US tries to repair ties after Barack Obama criticism of David Cameron -- Irish Examiner
US bid to heal rift with Prime Minister over Barack Obama's extraordinary Libya blast -- Daily Mail
Obama lashed out at Cameron to avoid criticism over Clinton, says senior military expert -- Express

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