Sunday, December 25, 2016

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Blasts U.S. President Obama Over UN Vote

CBS: Netanyahu blasts U.S., says "friends don't take friends to the Security Council"

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lambasted the Obama administration on Sunday for the U.S. decision to abstain from the United Nations Security Council vote on a resolution that demanded an end to Israeli settlement construction.

“Over decades, American administrations and Israeli governments have disagreed about settlements, but we agreed that the Security Council was not the place to resolve this issue,” Netanyahu said in English at his weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

Netanyahu said that Israel knew bringing the issue up before the U.N. would “make negotiations harder” and would “drive peace further away.”

“As I told [Secretary of State] John Kerry on Thursday, friends don’t take friends to the Security Council,” Netanyahu added about the vote that took place on Friday.

Read more ....

More News On Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Blasting U.S. President Obama Over UN Vote

Israel's Netanyahu lashes out at Obama over UN vote -- AP
Netanyahu escalates response to UN censure, slams Obama gov't 'ambush' -- FOX News
Netanyahu Says ‘No Doubt’ U.S. Behind UN Vote on Settlements -- Bloomberg
Netanyahu: UN Vote Was 'Reckless and Destructive' -- VOA
Israel censures 10 ambassadors after UN settlements vote -- BBC
Israel summons ambassadors for dressing down over UN resolution -- The Guardian
Netanyahu considers ‘plan of action’ against UN -- The Hill
Israel to Do 'All It Takes' to Emerge Unharmed by UN Vote -- NYT/AP


Anonymous said...

Building settlements in someone else's land, when the two-state solution is the answer, or at least the goal. Makes no sense. The u.s. is not Israel puppet. The sooner Israel realizes this, the better for everyone.

B.Poster said...

"Someone else's land", this is Israeli land soneone is trying to steal from them. In the current environment, the Palestinians would merely use such a concesdion as springboard to claim even more Israeli land.

Mr. Netanyahu is correct. ghe UN Security Council is not the place to resolve this. The key to solving this is going to be to cut off aid to the Palestinians or at the very least make it highly conditiinal like that which Israel receives.

When this happens the parties will be on a more equal footing. In such an environment the Palestinians will have mych more incentive to negotiate in good faith.

Additionally using the UN Security Council in this manner sets a very bad precedent. Mexico claims as its own lands such as Texas as well as land lost in the Mexican-American War. Someday the United States coukd be hauled before the UN Security Council and be forced to concede these lands back to Mexico. While at present the United States could veto it, it'd still be 14-1 and the veto wouldn't mean much.

Besides it's not right to focus on Israeli settlements while ignoring Palestinian ones. Again, the UN is not the place to solve this. Frankky, Americans would be better off if the UN packed up and left.

B.Poster said...

While Mr. Netanyahu is likely correct about this resolution making negotiations harder and he is correct about the action being rdckless, the US did not initiate the resolution. It was initiated by Egypt who initiakly agreed to hokd off then four other non permanent members of security council pulled the resolution from Egypt.

Even if it's 14-0 or 14-1 not sure what difference that really makes. Cut off aid to the Palestinians or make it highly conditional like what Israel receives. With the parties on a more equal footing seuccessful negotiations become more likely.

I would also cut off aid to Israel. The nature of the current highly condituinal aid to Israel actually is a net negative to Israel and the US ss Israel acts as a major buffer between the US and it's Islamic terrorists enemies.

Anonymous said...

incredibly solid speech by netanyahu in response to this shameful last stab at Israel from obama...

Anonymous said...

the Palestinian element, and all Arab nations for that matter, will not accept anything other the complete annhilation of Israel....naturally the left nods in agreement.

fred said...

I am not here going to address the rights and the wrongs etc of the UN action, or the US abstention. However, Bibi knows that Trump will be more sympathetic to the Bibi agenda, and therefore he was dumb to lash out at Obama. Why? Trump will be in place in a month. Meanwhile, many Jews in the US admire and voted for Obama, and though they may not agree with all he does, nonetheless, to insult and blame Obama, whom they like, for not doing as Bibi wanted, is to cause Jewish voters to be annoyed at Bibi's berating Obama. Why not merely say: "I am disappointed with the abstention and hope to deal with this later on."

Jay Farquharson said...

Israel's so mad at the US that they will ask for more money next year.

B.Poster said...


I think you may well be correct here. Mr. Netanyahu may be making four crucial mistakes here. 1.)In attacking Mr. Obama even if the attack was justified, he may fail to realize that while many Americans are VERY displeased about his policies, the man and his family are loved by a vast majority of Americans. As such, any thing that may be construed as an attack on him by a foreigner may not be viewed well by the American people. 2.)In assuming the United States was behind the resolution, he does what America's adversaries often do in making America out to be more powerful than it actually is. The reason Ameruca's adversaries do this is because it makes it easier for them to demonize the country they hate. Why Mr. Netanyahu would do this is unknown. 3.)The resolution was introduced by Egypt who later pulled it back then 4 other nations picked it up and reintroduced it. The United States had no role in this nor could it have prevented the resolution from coming forward. Furthermore when such a resolution flawed as it may be and this one was very flawed that enjoys such overwhelming support is introduced the cost to the United States in terms of it's economic and securityity intersts in opposing this will be enormous. In other words, we don't cooperste these nations can and likely will hurt America and it's people very, very badly. In his response, Mr. Netanyahu could have/should have appreciated the difficult position America was/is in. 4.) Whether 14-0 or 14-1 this makes little difference. The message has been sent. Clearly US policy will change under DJT. As such, Mr. Netanyahu could have held his tongue or made the statement you suggested. Essentially this may have been an unforced error.

I'm not sure what "abstaining" actually means. The US had two basic viable options. 1.) Veto the resolution on principle and long range forethought. 2.) Cave to the pressure and vote for it naking the vote 15-0. By doing this perhaps favor from important nations could have been secured.

By "abstaining" it seems likely NO ONE will be happy. I'd suggest vetoing the resolution based on principle and forethought and let the chips fall where they may.

B.Poster said...


I would suggest reducing the amount of aid to Israel while at the same time reducing the conditions placed on the aid. Such an approach would be a net benefit to both Israel and the United States.

Jay Farquharson said...


Aparthaid Israel survives as a Country and Occupier off of Military and Financial "welfare" from foreign nations and supporters.

They also "own" most of the US House and Senate.

B.Poster said...

If they "own" US leaders, one would expect they'd get more favorable policies from the US. As such, things like these articles supplied as "proof" are hard to take seriously. It kind of reminds me of 1930s Nazi Germany propaganda.

Unless they are bluffing, Israel is nuclear armed today witb a country of tbeir own. Exterminating them may not prove so easy this tine around.

Jay Farquharson said...


Prominent Israeli papers publishing anti-semetic studies, reports and opinions by leading Israeli researchers, Institutions and writers.


Helps to actually read the links.

The US has been Israel's "little biach" for decades and nothing's going to change.

B.Poster said...


I've read these "links" for quite some time. For what it's worth, some Jews during the time of the Holocaust took the side of the Nazis. The self hating Jew while a mystery to me nonetheless is real. Little has changed.

Perhaps Israeli and American elites benefit from the current policies. Ordinary Israelis and Americans don't. It costs NOTHING to undemine Israel in America and potential gains are huge. If America is Israel's little bitch, please explain this to American leaders. Perhaps they'll get in line. If tbey were such, one would expect more pro Israel policies from them.

We help solve this issue by cutting the aid to Israel and making whatever aid they receive unconditional. This enhances their defense and saves US taxpayers money. By enhancing their security we enhance our own as Israel is a major buffer between us and Islamic terrorists. In time, all aid would be cut off. This would be the best for both countries.

Again, if America really were Israel's bitch one would expect a more pro Israel policy from the US government as opposed to the pro Palestinian one that has petsisted for many ddcades. As such, actions exceed words and such articles very respectfully are worth little. They seem a bit like 1930s Nazi messaging.

Jay Farquharson said...

The US taxpayer gives Israel $3.72 billion dollars a year in military aid alone.

The US taxpayer, charities and other funding to Palistine amounts to a total of $290 million,

1/12th of what the US taxpayer gives Israel in military aid alone.


Like I said, helps to read links, not just pretend you did and pontificate.

B.Poster said...

The aid to Israel is highly conditiinal. Israel and America would be better off without it. The aid to the Palestinians is unconditional. As such, it's worth much more. Please engage in critical thinking and stop pontificating.

Jay Farquharson said...


82% of Israel's GDP is welfare from the US and cmes with no conditions.

The US provides Palistine with 4% of it's international aid, and it comes with 987 conditions.


B.Poster said...

I suppose the conditions are "please pretty please don't kill Americans." Affer all even if you do our only response will be to give you even more aid so you can kill more of us in vain hopes you will somehow alter your behavior. So far it hasn't worked. I'm not optimistic such behavior ever will.

Jay Farquharson said...


Unknown said...

ओबामा ने बढ़ाया भारत का रुतबा, पाक के कतरे पर

jj said...

As usual Jay gets it right..Poster gets it wrong

B.Poster said...

What's so funny? Like I stated before laugther is often a defense mechsnism employed by people when confronted by truths they don't like. Fortunately for you as a wealthy elitists you can afford to ignore reality. Additionally as a Canadian you ahave a blessing that most Americans fantasize about but know they can never obtain.

Jay Farquharson said...


Since 1970, 92% of US military technical assistance to Israel has been "sold on",

Where do you think China got all the F-22 and F-35 blueprints.


If Thrumph tries to take on China in the South China Sea, they will be facing US designed, Israeli sold, ASW systems that are better than anything the US has,

Because the USN opted out of the upgrades, but China bought them from Israel.


Ron said...



"82% of Israel's GDP is welfare from the US and cmes with no conditions."

Let's see... US aid is 3.8 billion a year as of next year (less this year and any year before). Israeli GDP was 310B a year last year with close to 4% growth.

Math isn't your thing, isn't it?

Ron said...

I should also add that the entire sum of US aid to Israel comes in the form of vouchers to be used for contracts with US defense industries... so it's really a subsidy to US defense industries.

oh, and the Pentagon gets to veto any such contracts that they don't like.

oh, and the USGOV gets to veto any deals that Israel may sign with other countries as they do often.

oh, and it lets the US veto Israel from developing technologies competitive to what the US is trying to sell (See IAI Lavi).

Yeah, no strings attached.

Jay Farquharson said...

US "Military Aid" , exceed $3.8 billion.

That's just cash.

Doesn't include the transfer of 1.8 million CBU's for free.

$400,000 each.

You know SodaStream?

US taxpayers fund the Company to the tune of $8.7 million dollars a year under a US State "economic development subsidy".

Then, like the links noted, ( reading links is good, not reading links is Trumph) there is a "yoouge" peer to peer , ( apocyptic Christians) funding if settlements.

Can't have an " End of Times" and a "Rapture" with out Israel.

Jay Farquharson said...


Hamilcar Barca said...

The deal with Israel is like a ....And why give an F... because ?

fred said...

Is there ever an issue more contentious than the Israeli/Palestinian issue?
The Left more often than not supports the Palestinians-- premised on some strange notion of supporting the oppressed--strange because they usually create the mess they find themselves in; and the right supports Israel, based sometimes on an end times idea and sometimes on an anti-arab, idea.
There is this, not noted in comments here. Israel is not allowed a chance at the revolving seat of the Security Council. In good conscience, if this happened to your nation, would you be content to be a member of that august group?

Anonymous said...

Interesting, hamas and jihadists all across the World are celebrating this un resolution.

Anonymous said...

Most humans with basic critical thinking skills and those that treasure the freedom and liberty of other free people's would agree:
-Palestinians should accept the gracious host that is Israel, accept a solution other than the complete annihalation of innocent Jews and all will be well.
-Israel has bent over backwards in providing Arab assimilation and even appeasing ridiculous leftist appetites that would see the "fair" and "humane" treatment of jihadi terrorists purposely murdering innocent Israelis to further Islam and the elimination of Israel as a sovereign state and people.

Jay Farquharson said...


Jay Farquharson said...

Funny thing is, from '48 to about '95, it was the Western Left who supported Israel, while the Western Right didn't.

ROB VET said...

B.poster. israeli land?! Dont be foolish it a known fact that there building settlement s on Palestinian land.

Jay Farquharson said...,_the_death_of_the_two-state_solution/