Sunday, July 2, 2017

Battle For The Iraqi City Of Mosul -- News Updates July 2, 2017

Reuters: Iraqis prepare to celebrate Mosul victory blocks away from raging battles

Iraqis prepared on Sunday to celebrate an expected victory over Islamic State in Mosul, just blocks away from battles raging in the last few districts where the militants are dug in.

Troops tied white banners and Iraqi flags to lamp posts and damaged buildings including the Hadba minaret, which the jihadists blew up in June along with the adjoining Grand al-Nuri Mosque, as air strikes and mortars rained down nearby.

It was from al-Nuri's pulpit that Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared his caliphate three years ago.

Authorities are planning a week of nationwide celebrations, according to a government statement, and Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is expected to visit Mosul to formally declare victory.

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WNU Editor: This is going to be a long-term problem .... ISIS Militants Live Among Liberated Civilians in Mosul, Say Residents (NBC) .... or maybe not .... Iraqi Commander Unveils Plan for Broad Intelligence Operation in Mosul (Tasnim).

Battle For The Iraqi City Of Mosul -- News Updates July 2, 2017

In final stages of Mosul fight, US plays larger role -- Washington Post/AP
Airstrikes propel Mosul gains, despite toll on civilians -- Washington Post/AP
Iraq battles last jihadists in Old Mosul -- AFP
'Violent Close Fight': US Army Warns of Increased Friendly Fire Risk in Mosul -- Sputnik
Iraq forces retake hospital near Mosul's Old City -- AFP
Federal Police chief says still has four districts to liberate in Mosul’s Old City -- Iraqi News
Iraq nearing end of battle for Mosul: report -- The Hill
Combat against ISIS remains intense as end draws near in Mosul's Old City -- NRT
Iraqi Federal Police parade, dance in streets of west Mosul -- RUDAW
The last days of ISIS: Mosque where terror group's leader Baghdadi proclaimed his 'caliphate' is now pile of stones at centre of shattered Mosul -- Daily Mail
Thousands Of Civilians Trapped As Iraqi Forces Capture More Mosul Neighborhoods -- RFE
Civilians flee as strikes pound the last of ISIS-held Mosul -- AP
Iranian Commander Lauds Iraqi Volunteer Forces’ Key Role in Liberation of Mosul -- Tasnim
Iran Congratulates Iraq's Victory Over ISIL in Mosul -- FARS News Agency
A precarious situation in Mosul even after ISIL’s defeat -- The National

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