Sunday, July 2, 2017

Gripping Video On The Final Intense Street Battles Against ISIS In Their Last Stronghold Of Mosul

WNU Editor: Words cannot describe this video .... you have to watch it.


James said...

This is what close quarters can be, where pity is a rare and expensive commodity.

RussInSoCal said...

That little girl at the very end.

James said...

The woman begging for water. The people carrying their dead family members unable to bury them. When the fight is to the death, this is when hearts are hardened.

War News Updates Editor said...

I was wondering about that. If the cameraman was not there would the soldier give the woman begging for water any water .... or leave the suspected wounded ISIS fighter alone and alive in his basement .... a part of me says no.

James said...

I think I should be illuminate what I'm thinking a little better. There are those who decry the "impersonal brutality" of the use of bombing, indirect fire, etc of war. I have very little regard for such people. They have no idea what people can and will do to each in face to face encounters. People have the unlimited capacity for good, on the flip side the same for evil. Therefore I have very little time for moralizers. This is not in any way about you or any comment you have made on this site. Or really anyone else.

James said...

"or leave the suspected wounded ISIS fighter alone and alive in his basement ." That man is dead. I think the guy would have camera or not, I sensed that about him, though he definitely knew the camera was there and so did she.

James said...

Should read
"have given water camera or not"
Typing can be tricky.