Sunday, July 2, 2017

Iran Is Using The Star Of David As Target Practice For Its Missile Tests

An impact crater can clearly be seen in the satellite imagery provided to the UN by Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon on 28 June 2017

The Independent: Iran is using the Star of David as target practice for missile tests

Israel’s envoy to the United Nations called practice ‘hateful and unacceptable’ in formal complaint to Security Council

The Iranian military has used a Star of David, the symbol of the Jewish faith, as target practice for missile tests, the Israeli envoy to the UN has claimed.

“This use of the Star of David as target practice is hateful and unacceptable,” Danny Danon told the international body’s Security Council on Wednesday, while handing out satellite imagery allegedly showing the Iranian site.

The photographs showed the six pointed star which represents both Judaism and the Israeli state in what Mr Danon said was a ballistics missile testing ground. An impact crater could clearly be seen.

Read more ....

Update #1: Iran targeted Star of David in ballistic missile test, Israel says (Times of Israel)
Update #2: Obama’s bestie Iran test-fires missile into Star of David (Washington Times)

WNU Editor: I cannot tell much from the above photo .... but Iran using the Star Of David in target practice .... that would not surprise me.


Unknown said...

In other news, more of Obama's legacy is coming down and will haunt him.


Obama made sure that Bergdahl received back pay for getting his fellow soldiers shot and releasing 5 high value Taliban prisoners.

Obama's future rating as president will sink lower than the MSM's poll numbers.

Caecus said...

The only star they will hit without being destroyed

fred said...

poor AS
bottom feeding on a nice Sunday afternoon...classless always shows

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not sacrilegious, but I hope Israeli snipers and bombers have a Star of David to use as the targeting icon on their weapons. King David's people shall never be wiped out, Iran and Obama be damned.

Unknown said...

Symbology in warfare has always been an important tool. I strongly doubt that the Israels' mind. Iranians teaching their children to hate better come up with something more powerful if they expect to succeed. Misses be damned.

Jac said...

Childish hate....I don't want to be in their skin, that's so poor.

Anonymous said...

Bergdahl story at its fullest.