Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The U.S. Military Wants Super Soldiers

Patrick Tucker, Defense One: Tomorrow Soldier: How The Military Is Altering the Limits of Human Performance

Breakthroughs in biometric science mean future troops will fight with weapons that understand them — inside and out.

Imagine a group of volunteers, their chests rigged with biophysical sensors, preparing for a mission in a military office building outfitted with cameras and microphones to capture everything they do. “We want to set up a living laboratory where we can actually pervasively sense people, continuously, for a long period of time. The goal is to do our best to quantify the person, the environment, and how the person is behaving in the environment,” Justin Brooks, a scientist at the Army Research Lab, or ARL, told me last year.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is probably going to happen sooner rather than later.


Anonymous said...

I keep telling them I'm not available. .damn my super powers and super good looks ^^

fazman said...

Vandamme and lungren did it decades ago

Anonymous said...

First need to understand the concept of a "super soldier" unfazed by your fantasy realm of propaganda. Laser eyes? seriously...

Unknown said...

We grow them in Georgia. They are 6' 5" tall 200 lbs, and can run all day and survive in any environment. Currently we have about 50 thousand of these Myrmidons and we have to constantly train them as they eat up the completion like peaches.

War News Updates Editor said...

Russia also has them. Somewhere east of the Urals. :)