Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Canada Is Not A Safe Haven For Immigrants

Wall Street Journal: Canada Says It’s No Safe Haven for Immigrants Losing U.S. Protection

Facing unprecedented influx, officials warn Haitians and others that a trip north could end in deportation.

Canada has an urgent message for immigrants in the U.S. fearing deportation: Don’t count on us for refuge.

Earlier this month in Los Angeles, a top lawmaker with Canada’s governing party met with members of the local Hispanic immigrant community to stress that people who fear losing their protected status in the U.S. shouldn’t expect automatic reception in Canada—and could be deported to their country of origin if they make the trip north.

“It’s really important before making any decisions that they understand [Canadian] laws,” Pablo Rodriguez, a Liberal member of parliament from Quebec, told the group.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I can only speak about what is happening in the French Canadian province of Quebec (where I live). The welcome from many Quebecers is over .... especially among the French population. And because Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is PM due to the votes from this bloc in the last election .... he and his political party are listening. As to what are the chances of being accepted into Canada .... the Wall Street Journal article is optimistic (they say 65%), but talking to those whose focus is on immigration, they are telling me that the number is far lower .... below 50%. And for those who do get accepted .... a heads-up from me .... it is not a panacea here. If want to get ahead .... be prepared to work hard .... there are no easy breaks.


B.Poster said...

Actually diversity is a weakness. Unity is strength. Whoever worote such nonsense has it bass-ackwards.

Your last sentence has it exactly right. Prepare to work hard. There are no free rides. While I can't speak for Canada, those coming to America need to be prepared to embrace rhe culture "hook, line, and sinker." Americans are struggling to be affored a lifestyle along with the rights and dignity most of the world takes for granted. We CANNOT give you anything.

Matt said...

I think you meant: "it is NOT a panacea here." ?

War News Updates Editor said...

You are right Matt. I have corrected it. Thanks.
Damn Auto-correct.