Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 10, 2017

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Photo: Reuters

David P. Goldman, Asia Times: Turkish market crumbles as Erdogan overreaches

President's dalliance with Iran and snubbing of Western allies has caused a diplomatic crisis that has resulted in a tumbling market and foretells economic pain

urkey’s stock market has lost 17% in Euro terms since its late-August high point, courtesy of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan overplaying his hand with Western allies.

The crisis in US-Turkish relations had been building for weeks, but became an open rupture when the US State Department suspended visa approvals for Turkish citizens traveling to the United States after Turkish police arrested a Turkish employee of the American embassy at Ankara for alleged participation in last summer’s coup attempt. The US denounced the arrest and dismissed the charges as “wholly without merit,” suspending visa approvals, and the Turkish government reciprocated with a similar ban.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 10, 2017

Turkey Has Turned Itself Into a Terrorist Target -- Daniele Grassi, National Interest

Japan's Abe Prays For Help -- William Pesek, Asia Times

North Korea Revealed -- Reuters

Xi Jinping's Moment -- Richard McGregor, Lowy Institute

A New Front in Asia’s Water War -- Brahma Chellaney, Project Syndicate

Is the India-China Border Heating Up Again? -- Sean Keeley, The American Interest

Doha’s downfall: Qatar frozen out in Gaza, Syria, Lebanon -- Sami Moubayed, Asia Times

The Murky Mechanics of Russia’s Governor Reshuffle (Op-ed) -- Nabi Abdullaev, Moscow Times

Russia’s House of Shadows -- Joshua Yaffa, New Yorker

What More Does Catalonia Want? -- Krishnadeve Calamur, The Atlantic

Catalonia: Spain's Smoldering Separatists -- Ben Sills & Esteban Duarte, Bloomberg

Spain stares into Catalan ‘abyss’ -- Diego Torres, Politico

How to Turn Battleground Ukraine Into a Success Story -- Anna Tikhonova & Cyril Fokin, National Interest

EU Officials Out Of Step With Reality, Europeans Don’t See What’s Coming at Them -- George Friedman, Mauldin Economics

Are Trump's Feuds With Tillerson and Corker a Prelude to War? -- David Graham, The Atlantic


Unknown said...

Illegal Alien Sentenced Just Two Years for Killing Texas Firefighter, Two Kids


"She’s worried that Rosales, who has been deported before, will sneak back into the U.S. after he’s released from jail and deported next year."

Translation: Democrat Voter and dreamer will break multiple laws again


Unknown said...

Dreamer kills 3


RussInSoCal said...

Erdowan bears an uncanny resemblance to that distasteful, treacherous character from the Tolkein tomes...

D.Plowman said...

Totally delighted that the Turkish market is crumbling, and I hope it continues. Erdogan is possibly one of the most dangerous dictators around simply for the fact that this man is incredibly power hungry, ambitious and in a lot of ways, reminds me of parallels with Hitler.