Friday, December 22, 2017

Is The U.S. Over-Hyping China’s Military Modernization Programs?

Military delegates arrive for the closing session of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Great Hall of the People, in Beijing, October 24, 2017. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu

Reuters: U.S. creating 'sensational hype' over China's military modernization: ministry

BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States has created “sensational hype” over China’s military modernization, the defense ministry has said in reaction to a White House report branding China a competitor seeking to challenge U.S. power.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday laid out a national security strategy based on Trump’s “America First” vision, singling out of China and Russia as “revisionist powers” seeking not only to challenge U.S. power but to erode its security and prosperity.

China’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday cooperation between China and the United States was the only correct choice.

The spokesman for its defense ministry, Ren Guoqiang, said in a statement posted on the ministry website late on Wednesday that the U.S. strategy had “without regard for the facts, created sensational hype over the modernization of China’s defenses”.

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WNU Editor: The U.S. are not the ones who are creating a sensational atmosphere over China's military modernization program .... it is the Chinese themselves who have made it very clear that they want to be the dominant regional power in Asia. And it is not only the U.S. that is concerned, but also almost all of China's neighbors who are now embarking on their own massive military modernization programs.


Anonymous said...

WNU, absolutely.. China uses its militarisation not just for hard power but also soft power, intimidating neighbours and trying to make them believe a Chinese rule is unavoidable. Well, as we've seen this year, it is not. Despite all of China's investments and increasing military might, people realise that while the US is certainly not perfect, the choice it offers (freedom of speech, self-determination etc) is infinitely preferable over rule by China. What's happening in Hong Kong is a lesson for all and in Asia people do take notice. They want to remain free. They want to have their own territories and not be threatened to abide by some 9dash line. I travel a lot in Asia and I discuss China with everyone I meet...over the last 3 years maybe a hundred discussions in countries like Vietnam,Singapore Japan,Philippines. Not one (!) had anything good to say about China and it was clear to me at that point that China has no way forward in this region unless it changes its aggressive stance on so many issues. The Chinese isolated themselves through massive bullying, and I think it's because they couldn't wait for their natural rise as a power but needed (for whatever reason) to make it happen as fast as possible. I do have Chinese friends too and they are all on the side of China, despite traveling and some even living in Europe and the US. I can't put my finger on why but there's this immense pride they feel for their country and they absolutely believe in their right to claim the south China Sea... Hence why I believe it will lead to war...the only people that can avoid war is Xi and the party, but it will be massively difficult to give up north Korea as a buffer state and Xi rightfully will be afraid it'll cost him his position. A smart move for him would be to overthrow north Korea and fast.this way they could make up for their immoral behaviour AND they could keep the buffer state. But the problem is this: they helped create a monster (north Korea) and while I do believe they have more influence there than they make us think, it might just be that they lost control over Kim. I'm unsure of that, after all many Chinese hope the north Koreans nuke SF (which will guarantee the Chinese centry. .this idea they all have that China not only will rule the world but that they somehow deserve it and feel superior to everyone is what I think will be their demise. .if history has told us anything, it's that these countries that think they're better than everyone always fail)

Unknown said...

"after all many Chinese hope the north Koreans nuke SF (which will guarantee the Chinese centry"

You are sure of that? You have seen a survey of public opinion?

I have only seen one Chinese guy hopped on chauvinism. He was hard to take. The rest of the people around might have felt like him or they might have been embarrassed by him. It is hard to know. All the Han I know are not the least warlike.

Still if you spill enough ink you can get slavery voted for in Georgia after being voted down 1 time, you can get Alabama to join the Confederacy after failing 2 votes to join it, you can get everyone in Europe eager for war in 1914. If you spill enough ink.

What the top 1% political class want in regards to South Korea is another matter.

Unknown said...

The Vietnamese claim to the Paracels is based on the French claim. It is not a good claim. I would think a Chinese claim on the Paracels based on the voyages of Zheng He or some other earlier Chinese mariner or based on artifacts and court records would be stronger.

What the Chinese are doing to the Malaysians and Brunei is quite stupid. I have no love for those Muslim countries, but they should not be treated that way.